Chapter Eighteen (part one)

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Sleet bit back a retort, he didn't need to explain himself to a Heatling. He took a deep breath in, and released it slowly. His fists calmed and loosened, the Heatling looked almost disappointed that Sleet was no longer agitated.

"It doesn't matter what you think about me, you're almost as bad as them." The Icee hissed. "Scorpians are merciless, cutthroat low lives!"

As if he was loud enough, across the tent the Scorpian began to stir in his sleep and awoke. "You don't know one thing about us." He grumbled, standing up.

"Scorpians attacked us, trying to take our land." Sleet shot back with a snarl, his top lip curled back. But, unexpectedly, the Scorpian barked a laugh, something sweet and harmless - unlike his appearance.

"Oh, THAT event," he chuckled, approaching closer. "Scorpian mercenaries were paid to do that. To distract you or something." He shrugged nonchalantly. "As if we'd want to take land we couldn't even survive in."

Sleet narrowed his eyes at how chill the Scorpian was. Didn't he know how many lives they took? His fingers brushed against the ugly scar over his eye. Didn't he know how much pain and suffering they brought about? How many they hurt? There were hundreds - no - THOUSANDS of Scorpians attacking the palace that night.

He shuddered at the terrible memory. How they even got that far to reach them was a mystery.

"Who paid them?" Sleet demanded.

The Scorpian shrugged, "two of them showed up one day and demanded the blacksmiths for their services." His face suddenly went dark as he looked at the ground.

"Why are you that?" Luna asked, curiosity and sympathy on her face. Resentment filled Sleet as she was concerned for the monstrous plebeian.

The Scorpian gives her a strange look then sighs. "It's just been a crazy few days. My house caught on fire out of nowhere and I couldn't find my family." A sad smile spread on his lips.

"You're sharing something personal to strangers you hardly know." Luna mused. "Why?"

"No one gives a fu-" Flare stopped, then gave Luna a considerate glance that Sleet caught. ".. a flame about your problems." He finished, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

Ignoring the Heatling, the Scorpian looked down at Luna with a half smile. "When you want someone to trust you, you should first put your trust in them."

At this, the Nightling sighed deeply. "Well, it's working." She tucks her small hands into her pockets. "I think I'd like to trust you."

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