Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You remind me of someone," said the kid who WON'T SHUT UP! "Don't worry, after we get out of here, we can go back to fighting each other."

Wouldn't be much of a fight.

The Zilch pulled out a pouch from her cloak as they took a break. Zodiac wasn't tired, but his prisoner's panting vexed him. He hadn't heard the voices yet, nor felt the thrum after he resumed traveling. Inside of zilch's pouch were jutzo nuts.
"Do you want some?" She offered. He wasn't hungry, as he was trained to survive months without food nor sleep and not go immediately insane. Zodiac just shot her a skeptical look. He snatched a nut like a blur, examining it for poisons. Not that it would likely affect him.

"They're very healthy." She said, pulling off her cloak and head coverings.

Zodiac's hand went to the sword strapped to his back, dropping the nut. The thrum returned, pounding against his skull like a migraine. He'd never seen eyes like hers, ones that sparkled like two opals. And those tattoos....

"Oh, I'm Luna!" She beamed, like she was talking to a neighbor. Not an assassin that could kill her without a second thought. "And yeah, I'm a weird looking Nightling." Zodiac circled her, surveying her appearance. He also had tattoos...but they were faded, corrupted as they turned into markings of blood. He stroked the ursa marking on her wrist, the ink had become one with the skin. So it wasn't fake.

A Nightling. That could be useful.

Yes, yes. The voices crooned, returning as he put more distance between himself and the zilch. Feed us. Bring us the blood of that whom has the star-touched eyes. Bring us her flesh and bones. Bring us her soul just like when you brought us yours.

Ignoring the thrum, Zodiac vowed the voices would receive what they wished.


Five sunrises had come and went. It was night once more, and the Nightling yawned listlessly. Which was strange, Nightlings were said to be nocturnal. Zodiac never slept during the journey, not because of the paranoia that the zilch might try something during his slumber. Not because the voices groaned and moaned, begging him to keep his promise. Not because of the everpresent thrum.

But because Zodiac confirmed that the Nightling was the presence he sensed. A power force ready to be awakened.

The thunder, though no one will see it coming. They are a force to be reckoned with.

He was unsure what to do about her. Perhaps he could stuff her and bring her home just to see Yin's expression. Or maybe he could just hand her over to the voices and be done with her chattering.

Or...we can befriend her and run away and never see the Clan again, suggested the part of the brain he despised. The curious, empathetic, fearful side of him that he locked away tight. The feelings should have been beaten out of him long ago. Feelings that had no place in his world, he had forgotten what they felt like. Zodiac didn't even consider the suggestion.

Behind him, the Nightling collapsed on her knees, "Please tell me we're stopping for the night."

It's probably an act, his paranoia hissed. She'll sneak away the moment you let your guard down.

He was going mad and he knew it.

Discovering a cave, Zodiac gestured Luna into it. She gave him a wary look as she entered. The assassin slouched against the mouth of the cave, a resigning sigh escaped his lips.

She could try to escape, but she couldn't succeed. Sang his bloodlust.

Then I would punish her, increase the pain everytime she screamed and plead.

Not even the pleasure could sustain the size of my greed.

And I won't stop. I won't stop until there's nothing left to bleed...

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