Travel Log: Icee

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Ankiteir 7, 1247 (Bright Season)

Dear Journal,

It was a chilly day during the hot season in the Flake Mountains. An ARTIC resident named Blizzard- Although the species are also known as ARTIC (Animal Republic in The Icy Climate), the other kingdoms called them Icees.

Blizzard's snowy white hair proved that his name suited him well. His skin was pale, showing how cloudy the mountains were to block out the sun. His eyes were icy cold, his expression too. Icee males were known to be attractive. His wolf - like ears were fluffy and his tail silky. His eyebrows were always narrowed, and rarely, he smiled. His fangs were as white as his hair when he did.

The castle in the capital city looked to be ice and crystal itself. There was a king and queen that dwelled in it, along with other extremely wealthy families. Each family had a limit to two children, any more and the parents would have to pay a fine. This is because of over population and lack of resources in the snow. Unlike Earth, in Antenias, the eternal cold weather was far west, instead of north and south.

Blizzard had a career in ice carving, he was skilled in it. His interest was to carve Earth wolves he saw in his dreams. So realistic they were, their snout was perfectly shaped, their face shape and lean body was all so captivating. Icees mutually disliked Heatlings and Nightlings. Like the Heatlings, the Icees also had a element they could manipulate. The ability to create and call upon ice and snow. Much like with my good friend Fire Bird, I hesitated to leave, but I vowed to return once I had my share of adventures...



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