Chapter Eleven (part one)

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"Finally! Let's get outta here!" Luna panted, running as she placed the month's worth of food into her already heavy sack. Sleet stopped to catch his breath.

"But where to?" Sleet asked, laying his new bow against a building wall. Luna froze, unsure how to answer. As an adventurer, she hardly made any plans, she just went wherever she pleased. But now a prince was traveling with her, she might have to be a bit more responsible. Somewhere nearby, a barrel tipped over in the shadows. Sleet stood up straight, grabbing his bow. Luna's hand went to the handle of her sword, which had been strapped to her back.

"Who's there?" she called. Footsteps echoed, approaching closer.

A silhouette stood out against the shadows. Luna squinted to see a face but the lack of lanterns made it difficult. The figure raised a hand, a flame flashed from it. Sleet staggered back with a hiss. The stranger's face was now visible. He had shaggy maroon hair that needed to be cut. His eye burned crimson while an eyepatch covered the other. There was a blade cut over the bridge of his nose. His mouth curved into a smile, although it didn't look welcoming.

"Can we help you?" Sleet asked calmly. Luna had nearly forgotten that they were wearing disguises.

"Who're you?" the Heatling grinned, his red eye glittering at them with eagerness. Eager for what, Luna did not know, but she didn't want to find out. Part of her felt relieved that he didn't know who they were nor there to take back what was stolen.

"Just...purchasing items." Sleet replied, taking a step back. "Best we get going..."

"Yes..." the Heatling purred, smiling wider than thought possible. "You should."

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