Chapter Twenty-Two

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Flare had flames coming out of his feet as he flew above and chucked fire balls at everything, an impossibly malicious grin on his face as his eyes widened with pleasure.

Arsonist, Scorch thought with a frown.

No sign of Luna. Yet.

Sleet stood on an ice tower he'd created, shooting icicles at the tents. If only Scorpians had the power to call upon sand storms, not that would be cool. So then he wouldn't be so useless. He looked down at his good for nothing defective tail in disgust. The most he could do with it was stab someone. Maybe. If it wasn't venomless and stiff then it could actually be of use.

"Scorch!" A voice called, he knew who it was before he saw her.

"Luna!" He laughed, an exhausted and relieved laugh. The Nightling appeared from the onslaught, gasping for a breath.

"Found..your parents," she panted, planting her hands on her knees. "Tent on the end of the third row...Stoccak skull on top. You can't miss it."

Although his mind refuted to leave her there, his legs were already pumping. The Heatling and Icee were making an excellent distraction. They worked pretty well together.

The tent was heavy when Scorch entered, bloody tail scales sprinkled the dirt floor. He gritted his teeth in pure hatred as his fists tightened. They must've evacuated the prisoners already, his mind thought optimistically. Yeah right. That was just wishful thinking.

He will find them, he'd kill every assassin if he had to. "Nothing is going to stand between me and my family!" He roared. "YOU HEAR ME?! NOTHING!"


"Did you find them?" The Icee asked. Why ask? It's not like he cared. Scorch just shook his head, afraid that if he opened his mouth he'd break into tears as there were already some threatening his eyes.

"I had a small chat with her." Luna offered, leaning against a juvenile tree. "She was very distressed and fearful of something."

Scorch swallowed his sadness deep inside him as a crease formed between his brows. "That doesn't sound like her."

"She was like 'Scorch can't be here! No one's safe! The freaks are hiding something!'" Luna explained.


"I couldn't ask what she meant because someone dragged me out to fight the attackers. Did you know that they show little children how to kill with swords?" She added.

"Teaching kids how to be assassins, that's just what we need." Flare grumbled.

Sleet sat up, "Anything else?"

"Hmm, well there were those two people. Something about someone named Zodiac and having a mission." She muttered.

"That's it?" Flare scoffed. "I could dig up more in half the time."

"Of course, you'd threaten to melt someone's face off. I'd call that cheating." Sleet rolled his multi-colored eyes, a smirk on his lips.

"Call me a cheater, will you?" Flare huffed, smoke coming out of his ears.


"Three days and not a single footprint. It's like they just...vanished." Scorch sighed.

"Should we split up and check the forest? Divide and conquer?" Luna suggested. Scorch was about to refuse the idea when he thought he could use it to his advantage. Sleet, perhaps reading his thoughts, grinned and shoved the girl toward Flare who hissed.

"Terrific idea! You go with prince grumpy." Sleet dragged Scorch into the forest before neither of them could refute.

"Now I feel bad for leaving her." Scorch snickered.

"I'll get a bird's eye view from the treetops. You can look for clues down here."

Scorch nodded in agreement, then stopped. "You're not...gonna abandon me, are you?" He nervously smiled.

Sleet was already climbing. "Not today," he said. Then quickly added when he saw Scorch smile. "But that doesn't mean I won't do it tomorrow!"

Scorch grinned, "Is it because of charming looks?" Sleet rolled his eyes at the Scorpian and leaped from one branch to another, disappearing from view. 

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