Chapter Four

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His tail beated against the tiled floor. What was he THINKING, bringing the cursed prisoner into his bedroom? If anyone saw...

But he needed a private place, this was the only location to think of. He quickly let go of her robe, in which he tugged to bring her here. "I'm not a ragdoll," the little Nightling hissed. He needed his plan to work...

"I'll help you escape." the words flooded out of his mouth so suddenly. He remained quiet, to allow the words to sink in.

"I can escape myself, thank you. The last thing I need is some trickster getting me into more trouble." she dusted herself off like Sleet had soiled her cloak. He groaned loudly and slammed his head against the locked door, his horns creating dents in the material. Even though the Nightling's cloak covered her face from him, he was sure she was giving him an odd look. "I want to trust you..." she finally said slowly. "But I don't even know you."

Sleet's ears shot up, "I'm the youngest of the royal family, Prince Sleet of the Icees." he began, not really sure what he was saying. "I get chased often."

"By who?" Luna asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Fan girls," he mumbled, ears drooping, ready for her to start laughing at him.

She fell down, she was either laughing or choking or both. Her cloak rippled with each outburst. She quickly sat up when she was done. "I guess you're trustworthy, but to be even, I'll tell you more about me."

Sleet tilted his head, he didn't really care. He'd already done studies about Nightlings and what they look like. But it wouldn't hurt to learn more. Luna pulled down her hood.

Black silky hair and very light purple irises, almost white. Sleet's ears went up or down, unsure to find them pretty or creepy. Her skin was pale and soft looking. "I'm not blind, if that's what you're thinking." she said, reading Sleet's thoughts.

"What are you? Mind reader?" He joked, hoping that actually wasn't true. She did a light chuckle, revealing a non-threatening smile. She rolled up her sleeves, revealing strange tattoos that looked like constellations. Sleet was fairly certain Nightlings didn't have those. He began to wonder if she truly was even a Nightling. They usually had a lighter shade of hair, skin the color of polished ember, and eyes as black as obsidian.

"I'm Luna, I've lived alone my whole life. Don't know where I come from or who my family is, but I love adventuring." she shrugged. Sleet blinked at her in surprise.

"You don't remember anything?"

She shrugged again.

Sleet tapped his chin, thinking of how he could help her and gain her trust. There was no turning back after this....then he froze. Was he actually going through with this? Luna was a person too, that cursed empathetic part of his brain answered. She didn't deserve this, to be trapped like me. She deserved adventuring and perhaps finding her family.

"We leave at Nightfall." Luna smiled, interrupting his good side's lecture - which he was grateful for.

"We?" Sleet echoed, trying to keep himself from grinning.

"Of course," she replied. "If I successfully escape, who may they point fingers at?" She had a good point. This may also be his chance to see the world. While considering if he should truly do this, his heart answered before his brain, "Sure, why not?" He was entirely in when he realized he wouldn't be chased again!

"I foresee that we are destined to be the best of allies." She said, posing as a prophet. Sleet couldn't help but laugh. But, sadly, this Nightling should've known better than to trust a wolf...

They waited for night to arrive, sending away anyone who wanted to speak with Sleet. When it finally came, they crept through the hallways. The palace was never so heavily guarded because no enemies could get to them. That is, if the cold and elevation had gotten to them first. Luna was surprisingly stealthy, listening carefully for footsteps. They left the castle as quickly as they could, but stopped at the mountain's edge. 

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