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 Mark and Jon make their way off the airplane and through the airport to baggage claim. Mark is still half asleep and Jon has to keep correcting him and moving him in the correct direction.

Finally, they find the correct carousel and Jon retrieves both his bags and Mark's. He finds Mark sitting on a bench out front.

"How ya feeling champ?" Jon asks him with a smile.

"I've felt worse," Mark says, "but I've definitely felt better."

"I bet," Jon offers, handing him his bag.

"But, I could definitely use a drink though," Mark completes his thought.

Jon laughs, "can we get to the hotel first?"

Mark sighs, "I guess."

Jon helps Mark to his feet and they move out to the taxi line. After a few minutes, they loaded their bags into the trunk of a car and climbed into the back seat.

The car takes them on a beautiful forty-minute ride across Johannesburg. For Jon, it was an experience. He hadn't been back in South Africa in so long. When he left, all those years ago, he had flown out of the same airport where he just arrived. The city had changed so much, but there were still recognizable things.

Jon remembered a building or a park, here or there. He tried to point things to Mark, but he seemed disinterested.

Finally, the taxi pulls up to the InterContinental Sandton hotel. A valet steps forward and opens Jon's door and he moves out of the back seat and under the porta coche. Jon takes a moment to look up at the lights above him and around at the landscaping. The hotel was gorgeous. But, the moment was interrupted.

"What are you," Mark asks, slamming his door to the taxi, "a tourist? C'mon, let's go."

"I thought I was on vacation?" Jon asks sarcastically.

The driver stepped out and popped the trunk. He helps Mark take out his bag, which Mark snatches from him and continues into the hotel.

"Sorry about him," Jon says to the driver, "he's grumpy from the flight."

The driver hands Jon his bag and Jon takes it from him, handing him the fare from the ride. Jon puts the bag on the ground and grabs a few extra bills, handing them over as well as a tip. Finally, he turns around and heads into the hotel.

Mark had accused him of being a tourist outside, but once he stepped in, he can't help but look up.

The atrium of the hotel went all the way to the top floor. It was massive. The floors of rooms wrapped around it. Inside the atrium, potted trees stretch up many floors. The marble floors shine. There is gold everywhere.

Jon had been in nice hotels before, of course, they always put the attendees up in nice places for these conferences, but this was above and beyond. Jon knows it would be hard to take the time away from the hotel to see his family, but from this hotel, it would be even harder.

"If you're done oogling the hotel," Mark starts, "can we check-in?"

"It's gorgeous isn't it?" Jon says, turning to Mark.

"It's a hotel, Jon," Mark scoffs, "Are you an Architecture professor or an anthropology professor? C'mon..."

"Yea, yea," Jon answers, leading the way to the counter.

The two men step up to the counter spot marked with the conference's ICAAHP sign.

"Good evening, gentlemen," the woman behind the counter greets them, "are you with the International Conference on Anthropology, Archaeology, History, and Philosophy?"

"What a mouthful," Mark sneers.

"Yes," Jon sighs embarrassed by Mark's antics.

"Checking in?" the woman asks.

"We are indeed," Jon smiles at her, handing her his itinerary and ID.

"Welcome, Jongikhaya," the woman says before she goes to work on the computer in front of her.

"What?" Mark asks.

"Jon," he corrects her, before turning to Mark, "It's my real name."

"Oh right," Mark says, "I always forget that."

The woman continues to type.

"Amanda?" Jon asks, reading her name tag.

The woman smiles demurely. Jon is happy she smiled. She seems to be in her late twenties and a veteran of the hospitality industry. Her smile is there, but it's just polite.

"Not a common name around here, huh?" Jon continues the questions.

"No," Amanda answers, "I suppose it's not."

"I'm actually originally from here," Jon says, "South Africa."

"Oh?" Amanda smiles, tapping his ID on the desk, "I never could have guessed."

"Yea," Jon continues, "but I haven't been back in a while."

"Well, welcome back," Amanda smiles.

"Liliphi igama lakho langempela?" Jon says, asking what her real name is in his local tongue.

Amanda turns slowly towards him, her smile turns from a professional one into a genuine one.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises?" Amanda asks.

"I just assume it isn't 'Amanda'," Jon smiles back at her.

Jon turns towards Mark who is looking confused at the entire exchange. Jon drops the flirtatious smile when he sees Mark's look.

"Insufferable. That's what I mean. I'm gunna head to the bar," Mark says, "bring me my key will you?"

"Yea-a-a," Jon stammers, turning back towards Amanda, "anyway."

Amanda calls after Mark, "we have two bars here in the lobby..."

"I'll be at the closest one," Mark yells without turning around.

Jon smiles at her, "he's grumpy from the flight. Don't mind him."

"Well, you're right," Amanda looks at him slyly, "Amanda is less scary for the internationals."

"I understand completely. Jon is less scary for the academics, " Jon says, "Well, I'd love to meet the real person, whoever is behind Amanda."

Amanda looks at the counter, blushing, and she finishes charging the keys. She puts them into a welcome folder and writes on it.

"I have your keys here and a welcome packet," Amanda says, closing the booklet and handing it to Jon, "You're on the twelfth floor with adjoining rooms. The elevators are right over there, next to the bar where your friend went."

Jon's smile fades as he takes the booklet.

"Inside is all the information you may need during your stay, and I'll have the bellhop take up your bags," Amanda continues, pressing an unseen button and gesturing towards the Bell stand.

"And if you get bored," Amanda concludes, "I've included something extra on the back cover."

Jon raises his eyebrow and turns over the booklet. On the back, she had written her name and phone number. Jon's smile returned.

"Nonhle? You certainly are," Jon chuckles.

Amanda smiles back at him.

"Thank you for choosing the InterContinental," Amanda says.

Jon turns and walks towards the bar to collect Mark. He takes one last look upwards at the atrium before going in

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