Chapter 68

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Six hours later, Wolfe's flat black Bombardier Global 7500 was descending into Weeze Airport in Germany. Jon looked out the small portal window at the small city around the airport and thinks he spotted another helicopter waiting on the taxiway. But his thinkss were elsewhere as he thinks about what was to come.

As they had choppered from Gobekli Tepe to GAP Şanlıurfa Airport nearby, Wolfe had outlined the plan. His jet was waiting on the taxiway there and they would fly directly to Weeze, Germany. Jon had laughs at the town name. From there, they would take a helicopter again to Arnhem, Netherlands. Then, the last leg was a drive to Hotel De Bilderburg.

On the flight, Jon was able to get a shower in a full size bathroom and stand up shower. In the bathroom, there was already soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, and all the other accoutrement of a fancy hotel: only the brands were better. Jon thinks he had not felt this luxurious ever before.

Out of the shower, Wolfe offered him the suite to take a nap, but Jon wasn't tired. The whole experience had been so exciting he didn't think he would sleep for days. Wolfe takes the opportunity to go grab a few hours of sleep. Before he left, he showed Jon the entertainment room, just off the hallway.

While Wolfe slept, Jon perused basically every TV channel available around the world. About fifteen minutes after he started flipping, an attendant appeared and asks him about food or drink. He had both. After two hours, he was officially bored and turned to some work, reviewing some pictures and videos taken on site and offering his opinion.

The attendant told him they had about an hour left on the flight when Wolfe reappeared. He was also freshly showered and now in a different set of clothes. He asks for some coffee and food and came in to sit across from Jon. That's when he dropped the bomb.

"Jon," Wolfe started, "I think I need to tell you something before we get there."

"Ok," Jon answers, putting down his tablet.

"I just want you to be prepared," Wolfe continues, "not for the meeting or the hotel, both for the tone and for the opulence, but for what we're going to see tonight."

Jon nodded.

"The meetings don't actually begin until the morning," Wolfe explained, "but I wanted to show you something beforehand. When we talked last time, you told me about the idea of a 'rift'. I think I gave an alright rendition of the history and how that became the machine."

"Well," Wolfe continues, "I'm sure you takes from that explanation that we don't step through the 'rift' anymore. The machine is both powered by the rift and uses that energy to do its work. But, I think you could imagine what it must have been like before to actually peer through and into another timeline, or back into your own, right?"

"Yea," Jon says, "I have a mental picture of it. I'm sure it was more than I can even imagine."

"Me too," Wolfe agreed, "the machine is all I've ever known but I'm sure it was a trip."

"But," Wolfe waivered considering his words, "I say that because, you actually can still look into other timelines. Moreso than the rift ever allowed for actually."

Jon was confused, "what do you mean?"

"Well, when it was still the rift," Wolfe explained, "you would only really see what was on the other side. So, for instance, if I wanted to see you, I would need to either bring you with me to my rift, and hope that the other 'me's in the other timelines did as well; or, I would have to have a way to contact you once I passed through. Assumedly, your phone number would be the same or your email, but sometimes not. Get it?"

"I think so," Jon chuckles, "it's not a magic mirror. It doesn't show you just anything on the other timelines. It's just a window; you can only see what's on the other side."

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