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 "How did you find me?" Jon asks.

"You called me," T chuckles.

"All day yesterday," Jon says confused, "and last night. But I didn't even get a chance to call you yet today."

"Didn't you?" T answers.

T turns the phone that is in a holder on the dash towards Jon. There is a map program open. The center of the screen has a blue dot, like any typical map program, but there is another red dot sitting right next to it.

"See that," T says, pointing at the red dot.

"Is that me?" Jon asks.

T just laughs. Jon pulls out his cellphone.

"Now you're getting it," T continues.

"The number at the front desk?" Jon asks.

"Bingo," T says.

"How?" Jon asks, confused.

"When you called in," T chuckles, "I have a program that turns on your GPS and starts to track the call, but it sounds like the phone is still ringing through the earpiece."

"That's crazy," Jon says, "technology."

"Right," T answers shaking his head.

The two ride in silence for a bit as T navigates traffic.

"Where are we going?" Jon asks.

"To visit a contact of mine," T answers, "that's why I wasn't able to meet you yesterday. Sorry about that by the way. I really tried."

"It's no big deal," Jon says, "I figured it out right? So, who is this contact?"

"He's the key," T answers matter-of-factly.

"The key?" Jon asks.

"The key to the door," T continues.

"I don't remember you being this cryptic before.

"Sorry," T laughs, "it's been a while since I could relax. The visit from those guys scared the hell out of me."

"And yet here you are," Jon says, "and here I am."

"Yea I guess," T answers.

"How did it happen," Jon asks.

"Just out on the street," T explains, "it was like someone wanted to flex. They wanted me to know that they knew who I was and that I could be reached. I was doing recon outside of a building. I had my camera out but I wasn't using a crazy lens or anything. I looked like any other tourist.

"I made sure to snap pictures in different directions, to keep moving, all of the things I usually do. But then I went to take a picture and I saw this guy a ways off from me. A few pictures later he was closer. He came straight at me. There was no denying that he saw me and I saw him.

"When he got up to me, he asks what I was doing there; but when I told him I was just checking out the sights, he called me a liar. He says he knew who I was and what I was doing. He told me when I got into town and where I was staying. It was eerie.

"Worst of all, he says 'We know what you and the doctor are up to,' so I knew that it wasn't just in D.C., they knew I was from Chicago and they knew that I met up with you before."

"Holy shit," Jon interjects.

"Yea," T continues, "I turned away from him, but that's when I realized there were people all over looking at me. They just seemed like random people in the crowd, but all of a sudden they were watching me. I have never been so terrified in my life."

"The same thing happened to me when you called!" Jon exclaims.

"I knew there was no way to run," T continues, "so I just says 'okay' and walked the direction he'd come from. Once I had gotten around the corner, I ditched everything. I takes out the SD card and dumped the camera. I tossed my phone, watch, belt – everything. If I could have run around naked at that point, just to be sure, I would have.

"I headed back to where I was staying and collected all of my stuff. I checked everything for bugs or trackers, I mean down to ironing sweatpants to overheat electronics. I repacked everything and tossed the computer for good measure. Once I was sure I was clean, I rolled out.

"I went out to rural Maryland, someplace I could be sure I wasn't followed, and camped out for the night. When no one showed up, I figured I must have ditched whatever it was that let them track me. After that, I came back to the city and started trying to get set-up again.

"I called you as soon as I had a phone I could trust. Later, I had a working computer again and reached out to my contacts to make sure no one else was compromised. Turns out, it was just me. Then, I figured I would just burn time until you got here.

"BUT – that's when I got an email from a contact out in Virginia," T finishes the story, "and I knew I had to go meet them immediately. That's why I couldn't meet you."

"Who is this contact," Jon asks.

"It's someone," T continues, "like me, who wants to stay educated and informed about the world. We don't agree on everything, but he's proven to be an excellent source of information."

"Like what?" Jon asks.

"Like the fact that a local Illuminati group is having a meeting in Fairfax tomorrow through the weekend," T explains.

"Illuminati?" Jon asks warily, "like the secret society."

"Yea," T chuckles, "that's them."

"How does that help us?" Jon continues.

"Well," T explains, "like I says, this contact and I don't agree on everything. I think we're very close to finding the truth about the Bildaberg group and their control on the world. The things I showed you in Chicago?"

"Right," Jon says.

"This guy believes that there is a world-wide syndicate of devil worshippers," T continues, "that they are seeking to destroy the world through atheism and the destruction of organized religion. Once the Church has been destroyed, then Lucifer will return. He has a very realistic definition of Illuminati."

Jon doesn't seem to get it.

"It just so happens that the Illuminati is made up of rich and powerful people who hide their membership," T says, "but they meet once a year, at least, in secret in..."

"The Netherlands," Jon finishes the statement.

"Exactly," T nods.

"It's the same group," Jon continues, "but by different names."

"Well," T waivers, "this guy is somewhat delusional. I don't think they are a devil worshipping end-of-the-world cult. I think they are greedy people who want more wealth and power."

"He's a good source of information," Jon now gets it.

"Right," T continues, "he can chase his Satanic cult, and look for all the evidence he wants, so long as he lets me know where they are meeting."

"And they are meeting nearby," Jon says, "this week?"

T points ahead of them. Jon sees a bridge, and beyond it some rolling hills and suburban sprawl.

"Right over there," T directs.

"And your connection," Jon asks, "how good of a 'connection' is he?"

"Local guy," T smiles, "has his own network around D.C."

Jon waits, knowing there is more.

"He knows people at the hotel," T continues, "and he's getting us inside."

"You're fucking kidding me!" Jon exclaims.

"Nope," T says, "that's why I needed you here. I need an extra pair of eyes and ears. They came at us. Now, we're going at them."

"Good," Jon says turning forward in his seat, "it's time to get some real answers."

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