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Jon's hands were shaking. He looks down at them folded in his lap. It's not a shake from the cold or nervousness. They are involuntarily convulsing. Jon is tapping his toes as well. His legs are alternatively trembling and shaking as well.

Jon runs his hands over his face and head. He takes a deep breath. He knows it's just the adrenaline burning off, but its disconcerting just the same.

Jon digs his special cell phone out of this jacket pocket. He flips it open and dials; then put it to his ear.

"Jon?" T asks through the earpiece, "thank god. I got worried when I didn't hear from you, what happened?"

"It's a long story," Jon answers, "but I got out. I'm on the train heading home now."

"You can't go home, Jon," T says, "they know where you live."

"Where am I supposed to go?" Jon asks.

There is silence on the line.

"T?" Jon asks.

"I dunno," T answers, "I've never been in anything like this before. I don't know what to do."

Jon sits silently with the phone to his ear. He looks out the window as the city passes by.

"Come to DC," T finally says.

"What?" Jon asks, "why?"

"We can meet up," T says, "try to figure out what the next move is."

"Alright," Jon says, "that's a better plan then none at all. How am I getting to DC?"

"You can't take a flight or a train," T instructs, "they need to scan your ID and you'll pop up on the system."

"Ok," Jon says.

"You can rent a car," T continues, "or take a bus or hitchhike. Just stay off the RADAR."

"I got it," Jon says.

"Don't use your credit or debit cards," T warns, "and don't go to the ATM. They'll be able to track any electronic payments."

"Well how am I..." Jon trails off.

"Do you have any cash?" T asks.

"I do," Jon answers, "but I need to go home first."

"Jon," T tries to argue.

"I have no money," Jon says, "only the clothes on my back. I need to get something."

"They are going to be expecting you," T warns.

"They'll be looking for me," Jon jokes, "not expecting me. That's the difference."

"Remember," T continues, "change up your routine. They'll expect you to do the same thing you always do."

Jon looks up at the map of train stops.

"Yea," he answers, "I'll get off a couple stops early and walk."

Jon stands and moves towards the door.

"I gotta go," he says.

"Check in when you can," T chokes out, "I'll keep my phone on me and charged."

"Alright," Jon answers.

The train starts to slow as it enters the next station.

"Stay safe," he says, before hanging up the phone.

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