Chapter 79

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Later that evening, Jon and Wolfe are sitting at a table in a very nice restaurant. They are both sipping wine and looking down at very empty plates.

"That was an amazing meal," Jon says, "I don't know that I've had a better one."

"This place is such a secret," Wolfe explained, "but the entire kitchen staff is like a Swiss watch. It makes the food so good."

"I got a Rolex once as a gift," Jon smiled, "something way nicer than I'd ever get for myself. Turns out, it spends more time in the box on my dresser than on my wrist."

Wolfe held up his arm, bent at the elbow. His shirt falls a bit revealing his current watch, "Patek Philippe. It's all I wear."

Both men chuckle. Wolfe drops his arm and catches a glimpse of the time.

"Oh man," Wolfe grimaced, "I'm late. I have one last meeting tonight."

"Can I come?" Jon asks.

"Not to this one," Wolfe frowns, "it's a small group meeting; very private."

"Ahh ok," Jon sighed.

Wolfe stands and gestured to the wait staff.

"Please, have whatever you'd like," Wolfe says, "stay and have dessert or more wine."

"I should probably," Jon started.

"I'm taking my car," Wolfe smiled, "But I'll have another driver here for you in a few minutes. He'll take you wherever you'd like and then back to the hotel."

Jon is embarrassed, "thanks. That's awesome."

Wolfe stands. Someone from the restaurant appeared and helped him on with his suit jacket. Jon watched him button it before Wolfe turned to him.

"Jon," Wolfe says, almost biting his upper lip, "it has been an absolute pleasure. You are an amazing man and I am so glad we met."

Wolfe held out his hand for a shake. Jon looked at Wolfe, then down at his hand, and back up.

"This sounds like a goodbye," Jon says, confused.

Jon started to stand.

Wolfe looks at the floor and then back up to Jon, forcing a smile, "not goodbye, but see ya later."

Jon stepped past the table edge and shook Wolfe's hand.

"Thank you for everything, Wolfe," Jon smiled.

There was a pause before Jon pulled Wolfe in closer. The two men embraced for a moment. Jon patted him on the back and then released.

The two men shared a smile before Wolfe turned and headed out of the restaurant.

Jon did order dessert and another glass of wine. When he finally decided to leave, he gestured for the waiter.

"I suppose that will be all for tonight," Jon says, "I'll take the bill or whatever is left here at the end."

The waiter smiled awkwardly, "It's no problem, sir. The Director handled the entire bill."

"The Director?" Jon asks.

"Director Wolfe," the waiter clarified, "your dinner guest?"

Jon stared at the man for a moment, as the realization washed over him. Wolfe was one of the Directors.

"Right," Jon says, "thank you. Can you have my car meet me out front?"

"He's already waiting, sir," the waiter assured him.

Jon stands and another staff member met him with his own jacket. They helped him get it on. As he zipped it up, he walked out to the front and stepped right into the backseat of the waiting car.

"Where to, sir?" the driver asks.

"Can we find a coffee shop nearby?" Jon asks.

The driver nodded, "there are a few, sir. Any one in particular?"

"One with some privacy?" Jon offered.

The driver smiled and put the car in gear. Jon pulled his cellphone from his pocket. He turned it on and immediately dialed a number.

"Alo?" a mechanical voice answers.

"T?" Jon asks.

"Yea," T answers.

Jon laughs, "Ok. I'm done with dinner. Can you guys meet me?"

"Sure," T answers, "where?"

Jon looked up at the driver, "where?"

The driver looked at him in the review and answers, "The Grand Cafe."

"The Grand Cafe," Jon parroted.

"That works for me," T answers, "we're right around the corner."

"Ok," Jon added, "I'll see you there."

It only takes a few minutes for Jon to arrive. When he did, T and C were already sitting at a table outside. Jon walked up to the table.

Just before he sat down, Jon greeted them. Suddenly, alerted by the sound of his voice, Anika turned around and greeted him from the next table.

"Anika," Jon smiled, "hi! These are my friends C and T."

"C and T?" Anika asks.

"It's a long story," Jon chuckles.

C and T turned around and shook hands with Anika and the other woman at the table. The waitress appeared and Jon ordered an espresso drink and a bottle of wine for the table. He gestured to Anika who suggested a specific vintage.

The waitress went back inside to the coffee bar and started preparing the espresso drink. She asks a co-worker to grab the vintage that Anika had requested. Just when the finishing touches were done on the espresso, the co-worker returned with the bottle and two glasses on a tray.

The waitress added the espresso to the tray and turned to head outside.

After she stepped onto the patio, she sidestepped around a chair and sat the tray on the only occupied table there. She sat the espresso in front of Anika and then placed a wine glass in front of both women and left the wine for them to self-serve.

Anika and her friend begin gossiping about Anika's boring lovelife.

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