Ch 41

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Jon reaches the corner opposite the entry stairs to the train. The walk sign was counting down towards zero. Although he felt the pressure of reaching the train, he hadn't seen any signs of being followed for blocks. He didn't press his luck; crossing against the light would only draw attention. So, instead, he waits.

Jon keeps his eye on the opposing light. The walk sign remains lit for what seems like forever. Jon anxiously waits, tapping his foot and pressing his hands deeper in his pockets. Jon keeps scanning the streets.

Suddenly, a black SUV darts out of traffic and pulls up to the curb perpendicular to Jon's direction of travel. The tires and brakes screech as it pulls to a stop. All four doors open simultaneously, and four people get out. They are looking directly at Jon and don't break their gaze.

Jon gasps. He looks left and right. The walk countdown, on the opposite crosswalk, finally begins. The four people reach the corner and, without breaking stride, move towards Jon.

The man in the front shouts towards him, "Jon! Stay right there. We just want to talk."

The sing song clickety-clack of the approaching elevated train begins to grow louder. Jon has to make a decision, and he does. He darts into the crossing traffic.

Immediately, horns begin to blow and tires screech. Cars are moving to avoid Jon as he runs, at a full sprint, across the intersection. Cars slide to a stop and change lanes to avoid him. One barely stops, and Jon has to sidestep to avoid being hit. The driver lays on the horn and Jon gestures an apology. He continues to move towards the train.

When Jon makes his break across the street. The four pursuers turn and cross the street diagonally to follow him. The intersection turns into a kill box. Cars moving to avoid Jon have to move again to avoid his pursuers. One car rear ends another causing a chain reaction. Another side swipes a neighboring car and both slide to a stop, blocking the intersection. The pursuers have to avoid the minefield of cars in the intersection, giving Jon a larger head start towards the train.

As he reaches the opposite curb, Jon hears the screeching of the brakes of the train above. He sprints towards the stairs. While running, he fumbles with his wallet. He reaches the turnstile and has to stop. He looks over his shoulder. The pursuers have reached the corner and are now sprinting towards him.

Jon looks down at his open wallet. He pulls out cards, throwing them down until he locates the right one. He swipes the card at the turnstile and the gates open. Jon jams the wallet back into his pocket and runs up the stairs.

Jon gets to the top of the stairs as the pursuers reach the turnstile. They, of course, don't swipe; but jump the gates instead. As Jon turns the corner, he sees two transit police officers. He breaks stride and tries to catch his breath as he approaches.

"Excuse me," Jon says to the officers.

"Yea?" the higher ranking officer answers.

"Four people just jumped the turnstile down there," Jon says, "they're coming up the stairs now. Just figured you should know."

The two officers look at each other. Finally, the officer who spoke says, "Yea. Thanks."

Jon moves away from them and towards the train, calmly and slowly. He looks over his shoulder and sees the transit police moving towards the stairs. Jon isn't nearly far enough away when the four pursuers reach the top of the stairs. The two transit police try to stop them. The familiar rattle and buzz of a taser echoes through the space.

One of the transit cops goes down. The other reaches for his gun. There is a hand to hand exchange as the pursuers take him on. He puts up a fight but they put him down. The first officer reaches out and grabs the ankle of one of the pursuers. There's another echo of buzzing and the man lets go. All four pursuers move towards Jon again.

The train is sitting in the station with its doors open. Jon breaks into a sprint to reach the train. The pursuers begin to run as well.


The tone echoes through the station. The train is about to leave. Jon is so close, but is it close enough.

The four, much younger and in much better shape, pursuers are making up ground on Jon quickly. Jon starts to push and shove people out of the way. He has to make that train!

"Jon!" the leaders yells from behind him, "You're just making it harder on yourself. Stop now!"

Jon keeps moving.

Bing bong.

The last warning tone echoes through the station.

Jon's legs are burning. Every muscle is aching. His lungs feel like they are about to collapse.

"Jon!" the leaders yells again, "No! Stop!"

Jon closes the distance to the train: twenty feet, ten, five.

The doors close. Jon reaches out with his arm.

He gets his arm in the way and the doors slam shut on it. Jon's body bangs up against the outside of the door. Jon looks back at the four people. They are approaching fast.

The door opens only a few inches before jamming shut again on his arm. Jon tries to wedge his other hand in the gap and pull it open. He looks back again. The pursuers are nearly on top of him.

One more time the doors open. This time, Jon jams his shoulder and head into the door gap. The doors open slightly again and Jon tumbles into the train. He hits the floor of the car and the doors close behind him.

The four pursuers reach the doors. They bang on the glass of the door and the windows next to it. Jon is gasping for breath. He pushes up off his stomach to his hands and knees; then, grabbing the pole, he moves to his feet. He looks the pursuers in the eye as the train begins to move. The leader gives one last bang on the glass and begins talking into a radio as the train leaves the station.

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