Chapter 55

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"Jon?" Jon asks, "I think you have mistaken me for someone else."

"I don't think I do," the man answers.

"I'm not 'Jon'," Jon insisted.

"You are," the man chuckles, "the only real question is why the devil you're here?"

"I'm not sure why you're asking," Jon tried to change the subject.

The man stands up and put both hands in his pockets. He tilted his head and looked at Jon. He takes a step forward and stopped when Jon looked away. He leaned over at the waist to bring his face down to Jon's level.

"I think you do," the man says.

Jon met eyes with the man who then stands fully up. He takes a few more steps towards Jon until he was standing right next to him. Jon was now looking directly up at him.

"It's so strange," the man started, "to see you in person."

Jon didn't respond but instead looked around the room; both for prying eyes and for an exit.

"I think I've seen a dozen photos of you," the man continues, "and they all were you. But being here in the flesh with my own eyes is different somehow."

Jon continues to ignore the man and scan the entire room for an exit. The man sits in the chair directly next to him.

"Are you here to kill us?" the man asks.

Jon's head snaps towards him, "What? Kill you? No."

The man laughs, "It did seem out of character for you."

Jon chuckles nervously, "Yea..."

The man continues, "but when you send a hit squad after someone, I assume it can change them."

"A hit squad!" Jon says a little too loudly.

He's immediately embarrassed and nervous, looking around. The man doesn't stop staring at him.

"We don't call them that," the man says, "of course. But that's what they do."

Jon stammers and shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He starts looking around for black clad security. The man once again seems unconcerned.

"And your escape!" the man exclaims, "It was straight out of an action movie. I wasn't watching though, didn't want to, but I heard and then saw the replay. Just splendid."

"The replay?" Jon asks.

"The team all wears body cameras," the man explained, "and we can access traffic and security cameras. It was really quite the spectacular show."

"Of course," Jon muttered, "so what now?"

"Well," the man sighed, "I'll admit; I voted against the kill order. That's why I didn't watch it live."

Jon just stared at the man unnervingly. The man sat back and considered Jon.

"What do you want, Jon," the man asks.

Jon stammered a bit, "I don't know what you want me to say."

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