Ch. 28

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"So, what happened?" Mark calls from down the hallway.

Hours after they parted, Jon had made it to the remainder of his classes and his office hours.

The meeting with the Dean hadn't been great. It had been a long time since anyone had spoken to him like that. To be fair, it had been a long time since anyone had needed to talk to him like that. The Dean had called it a conversation, but Jon hadn't done much talking. The Dean hadn't given him much opportunity.

At the end of the reaming came the inevitable sigh and encouragement from the Dean. He had to say what he had to say, but Jon had a spotless record in all his years at the school, not to mention the rest of his time in Academia. The Dean seemed to recognize that this was a one time problem that wasn't going to repeat itself. Jon hoped he got that message across in his few words at the close of the meeting.

After he had said his peace, the Dean handed down his judgment.

"Probation," Jon tells Mark when they get closer, "but don't tell anyone.

"Double secret probation huh?" Mark laughs.

"Something like that," Jon chuckles, "He said 'not everyone knows and let's keep it that way' but he's giving me a short leash."

"He's not the only one," Mark chides Jon.

"I know," Jon relents, "I know. Can we just forget about it and get something to eat?"

"Please," Mark says, "I'm starving and you're buying right?"

"Yea," Jon answers, "and not only that, I'm driving?"

"Awww," Mark says sarcastically, "finally taking me out on a proper date? How sweet!"

"Whatever," Jon waves off the joke, "let's go."

Jon and Mark head for the exit. They burst through the side by side doors and into the cold, night air.

The two men are joking and laughing as they cross campus towards the garage. Just as the garage comes into sight, Jon's cell phone rings from inside his pocket. He digs around until he can get it out.

Pulling out the phone, Jon looks at the display. He makes a face and shows it to Mark. The display reads 'No Number.'

"That's weird," Mark says.

"Yea right?" Jon asks.

"Not even restricted," Mark says aloud, "No Number? What's that mean?"

"Should I answer?" Jon asks.

"Why not?" Mark says shaking his head.

Jon presses send and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Jon asks.

"Hello Jon," the voice on the other end of the line says. It's robotic and filtered but there's something familiar about it.

"Who is this?" Jon asks.

"A new friend," the voice answers through the speaker.

There is the static of electronic interference and the whine of what sounds like machinery.

"T?" Jon asks after a moment.

"Well look at you," T chuckles, "seems like you're catching on."

"I thought you didn't like phones?" Jon asks.

"I don't like being around your phone," T answers, "or any other listening devices."

"I see," Jon mumbles.

"No," T says, "no you don't. But you will."

Jon doesn't answer, he just looks at Mark. Mark seems to ask 'What?' with his eyes and hands.

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