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"Leila wake up!" I felt someone shaking my body trying to wake me up, I woke up with a jolt and woke up to see Tyler. "You were were tossing and turning, your body was trembling and your body was going white, you weren't taking a breath" he explained seeming worried. "Sorry" I said and he hopped onto the bed touching my arm with his fingertips. A serious look on his face as he looked at my legs, I bought my legs to my chest. "That scar how'd you get it?" He asked as he looked at my knee, "hit and run" I said biting my lip. "Heh how ironic" he said seeming unimpressed. "Why what's wrong with that?" I asked as I sat up crossing my legs, "nothing just there was a girl I grew up with she looked just like you actually. She got hit by a guy high on drugs and the guy ran off, I thought I was gonna lose her that day but I never saw her after that and didn't get to tell her goodbye" he said now looking sad.

Why does that sound so familiar and feel familiar at the same time, "you should get some more sleep" he said as he got off the bed but I grabbed his arm. "You're gonna get a cold if you sleep down there it's cold" I said and he looked at me and smiled, "it's fine" he said and I shook my head. "No this is a king size bed you can sleep on that side" I said pointing at the big space beside me. "If you insist" he said as he climbed into the bed leaving space between us, I turned off the lamp and laid there staring at the ceiling. I looked to my side seeing his back turned away from me, time passed and I finally fell asleep.

10am I woke up feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, I looked behind me seeing Tyler sleeping peacefully with me in his arms. His hair messy and wavy as his head rested on the pillow, he seemed to be mumbling something in his sleep. "No don't take her away from me" he mumbled and I looked at him confused. He's talking in his sleep but who is he begging to stay, "no please she can't die" he choked and I looked at him feeling sorry for him. I nudged his shoulder trying to wake him seeing him stir then slowly open his eyes, he looked around confused then sat up. "Oh shit sorry" he said moving away quickly feeling embarrassed that he had his arms wrapped around me, "um it's fine but you were talking in your sleep" I said. "Just a bad dream don't worry" he said yawning as he got out of bed and stretched as he went to the bathroom.

I heard the shower tap turn on in the bathroom and the exhaust fan going, i looked around spotting my clothes folded on the chair by the desk. I got out of the bed and stretched grabbing my clothes when the water stopped, "the showers free if you want" I heard Tyler say and I turned around almost dropping my clothes. Jesus he was hot coming out of the shower his hair towel dried and only a towel wrapped around his waist, "do you like what you see?" He asked with a cheeky grin and I ran past him into the bathroom locking the door behind me. "What the fuck" I whispered to myself as I stood up against the door, I turned on the shower feeling the water fall onto my hand. I took off my shirt tossing it onto the floor and took my underwear off before getting into the shower.

I was washing my hair and then there was a knock, "hey I left my hoodie in there!" Tyler yelled. I rolled my eyes and reached out to flick the lock hearing the click, "it's open" I said and then the door opened. Tyler walked in and I heard him shuffling through some stuff that was until I heard a bang and next thing I knew he was falling towards the door which was able to easily swing open. I felt him grab me and I fell down with him in the shower, when I opened my eyes I saw him on top of me. This is so awkward and embarrassing but why am I not freaking out, his lips were so close to mine as he was on top of me. "Get out!" I finally yelled and he helped me to my feet and looked shy, "out!" I yelled again and he looked dejected as he left with his hoodie in his hand.

I turned off the water wrapping myself in a towel and dried off quickly getting dressed, I had to get back to my own room. I quickly put my shoes on and clothes before peeking my head out the door seeing no sign of Tyler. I made a run for it leaving his room and running to the lifts pressing the up button, "cmon cmon" I said hearing the bell and running inside the lifts. Level 11 was where my room was and now I was currently on level 9, when the lift stopped I ran out and went to my room scanning my card and running inside slamming the door behind me. Yes I may have looked like a crazy person but I needed to get ready for tonight's episode of rampage and be down at the arena. I went through my suitcase rummaging through all my clothes trying to find something fitting for tonight and in the end I settled on my black jeans, wedges, a spaghetti strap emerald green loose top. I put a light bit of make up and grabbed my purse and phone calling a cab to get there.

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