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We pulled away quickly and Tyler went to answer the door 'did he almost kiss me' I thought to myself. "Hey Tyler your mum and I were going out to dinner do you wanna come along?" I looked seeing Taz and his wife, "um well I sort of have company tonight" he said and Taz looked over Tyler's shoulder seeing me at the balcony. "She can come too if she wants" Tyler's mother offered and Tyler just smiled, "you two go on a date night I'll stay here with Leila" he said and together they left as Tyler closed the door. "Stay here with me?" I asked as I looked towards the door, "well yea I want to spend time with you so go pick a movie" he said and I picked up the remote turning on Netflix.

"Chocolate covered popcorn!" Tyler yelled from the kitchen as he cursed, must have burned his hand from the hot bag. I walked into the kitchen after choosing pirates of the Caribbean, seeing Tyler juggle the popcorn as he removed it from the microwave. He looked over at me and shrugged, "it's hot" he said as he poured the chocolate over. "Silly then you should've waited for it to cool a little bit" I said taking the bowel from his hands, "where's the fun in that" he said with a smile and a laugh. "There's no fun in burning yourself" I said as I walked back into the lounge and Tyler went to fetch the blankets. I sat on the couch with the bowel in my lap and Tyler came in with the blankets sitting beside me and wrapping them around us. I pressed play on the movie and grabbed a handful of popcorn, "you need to relax" Tyler said and I didn't even notice that I was all tensed up.

I relaxed a bit and watched the movie laughing through out it at the scenes with Johnny Depp being silly. I shuffled around and felt a little uncomfortable feeling something poking me, my eyes shifted to Tyler and then I looked back at the Tv ignoring what was underneath me. Did I maybe accidentally turn Tyler on, "hey move over" he said and I did so and he got up, "should I pause the movie?" I asked and he shook his head and smiled uncomfortably. "Nah I'll be back soon you keep watching" he said and I turned my attention back to the television. I heard the bathroom door close and placed my hand over my mouth giggling, I hopped off the couch going to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

I heard funny noises muffled coming from the bathroom. I minded my business cleaning up the glass and going back to the sofa, I pressed play on the movie and shortly after Tyler came back. "Have fun there?" I asked and he seemed embarrassed as he avoided giving an answer. I ate some more of the popcorn and kept my eyes on the screen. I could watch this movie over a thousand times, an hour later the movie finished only I wasn't tired. Tyler on the other hand was passed out, his hair all messy covering his face.

I threw a blanket over him and went to bed, someone's going to wake up with a sore neck. I walked into the room and got into the bed, I couldn't be bothered to go back into my own room. I pulled back the covers and struggled to get on the bed as it was taller then me and climbed in, seeming as Tyler fell asleep on the couch I don't bother going back to my hotel room and I'm sure Tyler wouldn't mind. I turned out the lamp and snuggled under the covers lying on the left side of the big queen size bed, I played on my phone watching YouTube until I finally fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up to the sound of the covers being pulled back and a dip in the mattress as if someone was getting in, I felt what felt like a kiss on my cheek but I didn't think anything of it before falling back asleep again.

I woke up at 7am feeling warm but also I felt like someone was holding me, I turned over brushing my nose against someone's chest seeing a familiar tattoo. I rubbed my eyes wiping my sleep looking again realising it was Tyler. I went to get out of the bed but his arms tightened around me, "no don't go" he mumbled in his sleep as he moved closer. Did he even know what was going on, "Tyler" I whispered and he groaned as I moved around to get out of his grasp. He finally woke up and he looked at me in his sleepy state, "oh it's you" he said yawning and he seemed not phased at all. "You look good in my clothes" he mumbled and I quickly made a run for the bathroom. I had a quick shower and got changed into the clothes I was wearing yesterday before leaving the bathroom seeing Tyler already dressed.

"Wanna grab breakfast?" Tyler asked as he stood up and put his hoodie on, "um sure but can we go back to my room first so I can change?" I asked and he nodded opening the front door gesturing for me to walk out first and he followed behind me as I went up to my hotel room. I could feel him close behind and his presence just made my cheeks flush red, I unlocked my room and quickly got changed into a pair of ripped jeans and my misfits tee grabbing my small bag with my essentials in them. "Ready?" He asked and I gave a single nod leaving the room and walking back to the elevator so we could go to breakfast.

"You're so slow" Tyler groaned from in front of me, the man could walk faster then he could pull of his submission. "Whatever your just hangry" i said give no notice to his whinging, I kept walking behind him not noticing that he'd stopped and before I could turn I was being swept off my feet and being carried.

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