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"Come on men dinner is ready!" Mum called out as she looked at John and Tyler in the distance, they both came walking towards the house and I helped my quickly set the table before sitting down and Tyler sat in the chair beside me. "Help yourselves" mum said and oh boy did I because I was starving, "I'm still over the moon that you two are together again" Mum said as she passed me the salad. "Honestly mum I can't believe it" I said and Tyler smiled at me, "I can" he said before he kissed my cheek and I could feel his stubble tickle my cheek. "So Tyler you still wrestling?" John asked and Tyler took a sip of his ginger beer, "yea still part of my dads team but I'm doing more solo stuff now" he said and my step dad seemed very pleased.

"You still a reporter Leila?" John asked and I nodded, "that's how I met Tyler again I'm a backstage reporter at the same company" I explained. "Where's Adrian?" Tyler asked and I was wondering the same thing but my mum and stepdad stayed quiet until mum spoke up. "Adrian is serving at the moment he left two weeks ago" Mum said. "Adrian's serving?" Tyler asked as he put his cutlery down, "yes in Ukraine you know that war between Russia and Ukraine" John added. "Well I hope he's okay" Tyler added as he put my plate on top of his and my mum took all the plates to the kitchen. "You don't hear much about that war now compared to when it first began" John said and we discussed the whole history of what we knew and it was interesting to say the least.

It was soon 8 pm and I decided to go up to my childhood bedroom for the night and got into my pyjamas. "Hey can I come in?" Tyler asked as he knocked, "yea it's open" i said and he came right in closing the door behind him. He walked over to my bed sitting on the edge as he watched my get dressed, "enjoying the show?" I asked and he bit his lip as he nodded reaching his hand out towards me. I held his hand and he pulled my down onto his lap and kissed me softly as his hands circled around my waist. He deepened the kiss and I grabbed a hold of his shirt pulling him closer to me as he rolled us over so he was on top of me and I was lying beneath him.

"I'm not leaving without dessert" he whispered in my ear as his hand slipped its way inside my pyjama pants. "Tyler" I whispered and his fingers rubbed my folds making me shudder, "yes princess" he said as he moved his fingers in and out of me. "I'm gonna make you beg and scream" he said  as he removed my pants and undies, he ran his nails up my inner thigh sending shivers down my spine. He blew cool air on my core as his tongue explored my core,  a quiet moan left my lips as he sucked on my clit and moved his tongue back and forth. "Ty" I moaned and he hooked his arm around my leg pulling me closer, and lifted his head up showing a smirk on his lips. "This is gonna be a long night for you baby" he whispered before he buried his face between my legs again.

Tyler soon bought me to another orgasm and he pulled out lying beside me with his arms warped around me and the covers over us. He gently stroked my hair and kissed my forehead as he soothed me to sleep, "sleep well baby I'll see you tomorrow" he whispered and I unwrapped my arms letting him get up and get dressed. He got dressed and leaned over the side of the bed planting a soft kiss on my lips before he left to go stay at his parents house. I frowned when I heard the door closed, I wanted him to stay here with me but there wasn't enough space. I reached for my phone and messaged him, 'I miss you already' I messaged him and he messaged back. 'Baby I'm at the front door leaving I'll be back tomorrow' he messaged.
'Goodnight x' I messaged and he read it and replied, 'Goodnight I love you' he replied and with a lazy smile I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and stayed lying in bed, I didn't have Tyler waking me up so I felt a little sad that he wasn't beside me. Then my phone rang and I smiled seeing it was a FaceTime from Tyler, "hey" I said answering it and fuck he looked sexy with his hair messy and his morning smile, "hey gorgeous" he said as he laid on his stomach looking at me through the camera. "I missed you" he said as he hugged the pillow, "are you pretending I'm the pillow" i joked and he looked down at the pillow then back at me. "Yea but it's not the same" he said and it was so cute, "I just wanna hold you" he said as he looked at me with sleepy eyes. "I know baby" I said and he smiled at me, "I'll see you later today alright gorgeous" he said with a yawn. "I'll see you later have a nap or you'll be drinking five cups of coffee and jumping off the walls later" i said laughing, "that's not the only thing I'll be doing with that much energy" he said with a cheeky grin and I covered my cheeks. "You're cute when you blush" he said as he closed his eyes, "okay sleepy head have a nap and I'll see you later" i said and he nodded before hanging up. That boy I swear will be the death of me but goddamn he can be a sexy handsome devil.

Bet you won't Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora