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We're sitting on the plane waiting for take off leaving Nevada and going to New York. This time I was going back home with Tyler instead of by myself, he had his earphones in and his hood up as he sat next to me. "We're now ready for take off" I heard the captain say over the intercom, I heard the engine starting as the plane picked up speed and a bump then we were in the air. I poked Tyler's arm and he looked over at me, I pointed at his hoodie and he wrapped his arm around me and rested his head over mine.

"What's the first thing you wanna do when we get to New York?" I asked him and he smiled, "go see your parents and tell them the news" he said chuckling. "You better not lie and say to them I'm pregnant" I joked and he poked his tongue out at me. "You'd look cute with a little pregnant belly" he said as he wrapped his arms around me, "yea talk to me about that in the new year" i said and he huffed. "It's not that long it's in six months time" i said laughing at him, "six months is too long" he said pouting out his lip. "I swear to god Tyler Cole Serenchia one more word about being pregnant and I will have you in the red rum" i said and he zipped his lips and put his hands up.

I pretended to give him the silent treatment and he started poking my cheek and pinching it trying to get me to stop. "Come on princess don't do this to me" he said as he put kisses all over my face, "I promise I won't ask again until the new year" he said kissing my cheek. "You better not" I said and he nodded, "it would be cute though" he whispered.

Five hours later we landed in New York and Tyler had hired a car for us to drive to my parents house. I put my feet up on the dashboard as I turned on the radio whilst Tyler drove, "comfortable there?" Tyler asked as he looked over at me at a quick glance. "Yes very" i said and he laughed under his breath, some time later we arrived at my parents house and knocked on the door to which mum answered and she was so surprised seeing us. "Omg Tyler and Leila" she said hugging me then Tyler, "so is it true?" My mum asked excitedly. "Is what true?" Tyler asked as he wrapped his arm around me, "that you two are dating" she said still smiling.

We both nodded and she cheered with so much excitement, "oh I'm so happy" she said as she invited us inside. "Mum how have you been?" I asked and she shrugged, "I've had my good and bad days" she said. "You look good Fawn" Tyler said to my mum and she smiled at him, "well I'm in remission and I'm feeling okay" she said and Tyler looked at me confused, "mum has cancer" i said and he frowned. "Breast cancer and no need to make it sound so dramatic" mum said as she kept a smile on her face. "Is John around?" I asked, Vince was my step dad and he pretty mum raised me and well dad he passed away when I was 5 from lung cancer. "Yes honey he's just in the back garden up the hill" she said, "let's go say hi" i said and the three of us went to see him. "John!" I called out as I saw him wheeling a wheel barrow of soil, he dropped the wheelbarrow and ran as best he could to us and engulfed me into a huge hug.

"Hey my little monster" he said as he lifted me off the ground hugging me tight, when he put me down he looked at mum and Tyler giving my mum a kiss on the cheek. "Honey you remember Tyler" mum said and my step dad went to shake his hand to which Tyler accepted, "of course I do long time no see" he said. "They're dating" mum said and Vince's eyes bulged out of his head, "really" he said and I nodded. "That's fantastic I knew you two would find a way back to each other someday" he said, "are you staying for dinner?" Mum asked. "Mum where do you think we're going to stay while we're here" i said laughing and she laughed as well, "if it's trouble Fawn I can stay at my parents house and come visit" Tyler said sincerely. "Tyler normally I'd say don't be silly but we only have the single bed so you may have to" Mum said frowning, "mum it's no trouble" i said and she made her way to the kitchen to start dinner. "Tyler why don't you change and come help me out" John said and Tyler went to change his clothes coming out in shorts and a singlet. Holy fuck he was hot, "close your mouth or you'll catch flies" Tyler said laughing at me.

He went out with John and they got to work while I helped mum in the kitchen with dinner and setting the table.

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