Chapter 39. The Healing of Draco Malfoy

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Harry's POV

After we finished talking at the Burrow, we disapparated, leaving Neville and Hannah in charge of protecting the Weasleys, or what was left of the Weasleys. Fred was gone. Ginny was gone. Bill had gone back to Egypt, and Charlie stayed, though he was constantly owling his pals in Romania. George was still here, but his humour was mostly gone. So basically he was gone as well. It wrenched my heart to see Fred gone, but something told me George's expression whenever Fred was mentioned was more heart wrenching than anything. 

Putting a protective hand over Luna's shoulder, I accepted a kiss from Mrs Weasley and disapparated.

At Hogwarts

I glanced around anxiously. No Ginny. No Vadadeces. I looked back at Ron, who was carrying a unconscious Draco on his shoulder along with Hermione. I felt a pang of guilt. 

"DRACO!" A voice shrieked. It was Narcissa Malfoy, followed closely by Lucius Malfoy.


I took a deep breath. 

"Mrs Malfoy, Draco stood between Luna and Vadadeces." I said, not meeting their eyes.

Luna rose unsteadily to her feet. "I owe him my life." 


"No." Luna's calm voice broke my bundle of thoughts. 


Luna took Draco's hand. I should have felt a small pang of jealousy, but I was simple too worried to feel jealous. Luna began chanting in Latin. 

A small glow seemed to snake their way around Luna and Draco. Something blue came out of Luna's heart and went into Draco's. His eyelids fluttered open just as the glow disappeared as quickly as it came. 

Luna slumped against my chest, but her eyes were open. I glanced at Narcissa wildly, hoping for an answer to this weirdness. 

Her eyes were as round as saucers. 


"Background info time." I said. "Luna can summon the moon. Don't panic. She faced down Vadadeces. Don't panic. She sucked a dozen Riseners into the moon. Also don't panic. She saved Draco's life, apparently. Don't panic. Now she might be dead. Please panic." 

"She took a bit of health out of herself to save Draco." Narcissa whispered. 

"Will she die?" I yelled, panicking.

"No, but she'll be weaker." Narcissa said. She knelt down next to Luna and hugged her tight. 

"Thank you." She whispered. Luna sat herself up, looked at Draco and smiled a weak smile at him. Draco looked guiltier than ever.

"I'm sorry. You can take the health back if you want." He said. 

"Don't be stupid. You'll die." Said Luna briskly. 

Lucius stepped in and did a thing that made my jaw fall down all the way to infinity and beyond-



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