7: Making... Peace?

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As soon as the lights went out, You held out a hand. "DON'T. MOVE. A. JOINT MOON." You saw red eyes a glow. Staring at you. As Moon painted on a large grin.

Tilting his head slightly, He hummed, "You wanted to see.. Lil ò me..?" His smile grew wider. As his head tilted, There was a small jingle. Coming from his hat.

"OKAY- OKAY. oKAY. Okay. Im going to need you, TO STOP CHASING ME."
"I think you may have forgotten.. Who makes the choices around here.. Hm Y/n~?"
"And I think you forgot what your role is here." You grumbled sternly.
His smile dropped for a second and he glared at you. But it didn't take long for a grin to return.

He stood up tall. "What do need from me Y/n..?" His grin never faded.
"First off- Stop Trying to hurt me!" You crossed your arms.
"What makes you think that's what I was trying to do~?"
"SECOND. I heard what you did to others! And, I'm telling you, Stop all this violence Moon."
"Hmm..? And what makes you think I'd listen to you?"
"Because. I can bring back your time with the kids."

He paused. His expression dropping.

Holy shit.. REALLY? GOOD GOOD!

He held a scowl.
"Okay.." You started to speak. "Thank you. Geez.."
"But. I'll need more then that in return Y/n. You expect Sooo~ Much from me... Only to give me, So little."
He slowly made his way over to you. You crossed your arms. "You already have my services. Like you said, I'm not only Suns assistant."
"Alright then. In that case, I'll gladly accept this.. deal of yours."

You let out a sigh. Thank goodness. At least I managed to do this.. well, Before I got injured.

You flip the lights on. And Sun rushed up to you.
"Are you okay?! What happened? Gosh.. Please don't tell me he hurt you!"
"I'm fine Sunny."

He tilted his head. "REALLY?! Oh! That's wonderful!"
"It's 2am.. is there anything you do to pass the time?"
He paused. "WELL.. Normally I like to clean up the place!! But... this place is already clean..!
Oo! We could play a game! Or do arts and craft!"
"Hm. Sure."
"Oooh! I have plenty of puppet show ideas I could set up!"
"Okay Sun- One at a time.."
"Ah.. Right!"
"We could draw.. If you'd like..?"
"I would like to! I LOVE drawing!"

You smiled a little. "Alright then!" And you started to walk towards the crafts area, and you sit down, Sunny does the same right across from you, Taking a box from under the table.
"There's Paper, Pencils, COLORED pencils, Googly Eyes!, Glitter Glue, Crayons, And Markers! OH! And some paper Are MUTI-colored!!"
He dumped the box onto the table, Leaving a spill of supplies everywhere.

You let out a sigh, And looked back at Sun, Giving an amused smile. And he went to work with pink glitter glue.

You decided to as well. You weren't drawing anything in particular, But moreover covering the paper in doodles. You didn't want to draw Sun, Because you DIDNT want to deal with any embarrassment.

From time-to-time, Sunny looked up at you. You didn't make eye-contact, Because, That's weird.

It was... maybe.. An hour? And your paper was almost filled brim, And Sunny stood up energetically, Spinning in a little circle with his drawing. "FINALLY! I finished!"
"Hm? What'd you make Sun?"
Oh. That explains the occasional staring.

He turned the paper over for you to see, And it looked.. Really good. ESPECIALLY for glitter glue.
And in the 'drawing' you looked.. Kinda attractive?
"Uhhh- It's really nice Sun.. But- I see you changed somethings up...?"
"Hm? No I didn't!"
He held up the drawing, And looked at you, Back at the paper, You, The paper, You. And he continued to speak. "Nooooo I ddiiddnnn'ttt!"

•𝙰 𝙱𝚒𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝙰𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎!• SB!Yandere-𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕟/𝑆𝑢𝑛 x Reader❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now