Chapter 15 - Curse

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"There was nothing I could have done. He was dead before I got to him." Cass says sadly to the head nurse. "Well, it's just another day." She replies with a disheartened shrug, making Cass almost want to throw up. She thought that seeing the soldiers die would get easier, but in the last few years it really hasn't. It's starting to take its toll on everyone.

It's not just the dying soldiers that's tearing Cass's heart apart. It's the horses. She's always loved them, so much that she would spend every waking moment with them when she was growing up. That's what makes this war even harder. The Germans aren't just taking the lives of innocent people, but innocent animals. It completely goes against her nature.

"Lost another one, love?" a voice speaks from behind her, prompting tears to pool in her eyes as she nods. "Come here." the voice then says, pulling her into their chest. "Alfred." Cass sighs, acknowledging his presence. "Yeah, it's me. Thought I'd come and check up on you." He replies, holding her tightly.

"How've you been?" Cass says as she pulls away, raking her eyes over the new cuts and bruises on his face. "You need to stop worrying about me, love." Alfred says in reply, avoiding the question.

"Help! We need help! My brother's been shot!" a fearful voice yells through the room. Cass knows that voice. She pushes past Alfred and runs over to the commotion. "Oh my god, Tommy!" she yells as she sees his pained face. "Cass?" he strains, making the two soldiers with him shoot their heads towards the nurse. "Oh my god." Arthur and John say in unison, barely recognising their sister.

"Tommy, I need you to stop moving." Cass says as she tries to dig the bullet out of his chest. The sound of her brother's screams drown everything else out as she applies pressure to the wound. "Cass, if I don't make it through I'm glad it was you who helped me." Tommy whispers as his eyes droop. "Don't you dare say that. You'll get through this, and we'll be back home soon. All of us. Together." Cass says sternly, looking between her three brothers. She continues to fix Tommy's chest as he falls into unconsciousness. She's going to make sure he lives, even if it's the last thing she does.

"Cass!" Tommy's voice cuts her like a knife. "Cass, you need to wake up. There's a problem with the horse." He then says, pulling her out of bed. For now, he ignores her panicked and sweaty state and shoves her coat over her shoulders. He knows she was stuck in France in her dreams, but this is more important.


The siblings and Curly all run into the stable, soaking wet from the rain. Cass instantly notices how the horse is keeping his front right hoof off the ground as Tommy goes over to inspect it. "Curly, tell us. What is it?" she says as she noticed the panicked state her friend is in. "It's a curse." Is all Curly can breathe out.

Tommy quickly makes his way over. "Curly, Curly," he says, taking their friend's face in between his hands, "tell me, ey? What's wrong with the horse?" he prompts. "You brought him at the fair in bad feeling. The Lees put a bad seed in the hoof and got an old woman to put a spell." Curly answers, stuttering in his worried state.

Tommy and Cass slowly realise what's happened and move to take another look at the horse. "Those Lee bastards cursed him." Tommy states in realisation. "Whatever it is, he says it's spread to the other feet." Charlie explains, joining the siblings at the horse's mussel. "It's going to his heart by tomorrow, I say. I've seen it before. Seen curses like this twice and you can't take them back, Tom. You can't go back." Curly says, still frantic. Cass goes over to him and offers him a calming hug. That settles him slightly.

"I told you, Tommy. There are better enemies to have that black blood gypsies." Charlie says darkly to the Shelby brother, making him rake his hands through his hair in concern. "Get out. I'll deal with this. Take Curly and Cass. Go on." Tommy then says, shooing his family out of the stable.

As Charlie leads Cass out of the stable, he can see her visibly shaking. He automatically knows it's not from the cold. "Come here, love. Come on." He says softly to her, opening his arms. Cass immediately hugs him, accepting his warm embrace with a sad smile. "It's all going to be ok. Tommy's doing it for the best." He whispers to her, holding her tight as she flinches, and the gun goes off.

They both watch as Tommy exits the stable with a dead pan face. "Come on, Cass. I'm taking you back home." he says, gesturing for his sister to follow him.


"Where are you going to go?" she asks quietly as he stays on the doorstep. "I need some time to clear my head. I'm starting to think we're cursed with how much shit has gone wrong." Tommy replies with a blank expression. "Stay safe." Is all Cass can bring herself to say as she closes the door on him.

She slowly drags herself back up the stairs, Tommy's words ringing in her ears. Are they cursed? Is that why nothing ever goes right for her? She flops down onto her bed, trying to push the image of the dead horse out of her mind. Her life is turning to hell. Will she ever be able to leave France behind and move on?

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