Chapter 19 - Illness

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"Tommy, I'm telling you right now, she is not well enough to join you at the races." Polly says sternly, feeling like she's said it about 50 times already. "But Kimber is expecting her there." Tommy says plainly. "So you'd put Billy fucking Kimber's expectations before your own sister's health? She can barely stand without passing out. There's no way I'm letting her out of my sight. Last time I did that, your mother died in market square." Polly says, trying not to shout. Tommy's heart skips a little at the mention of his mother's death.

"Polly, I need her with me today." Tommy practically begs. "Tough. She's staying in bed." Polly commands, walking out with a hot wheat bag for Cass. Tommy sighs as he watches her go. At least he has Grace with him. That should be enough. She needs to be enough.


"Thanks, Pol." Cass says weakly as she accepts a cup of tea after a manic coughing fit. She wipes the beads of sweat off her forehead before taking a sip, humming at the satisfying warmth from the cup. "How bad is it, Pol? I can see in your eyes that you're worried." She then says, laying back down. "It should be cleared up in a few days. Until then, you're on strict bed rest. I'll look after you." Polly replies with a sympathetic look.

"It's like what mum had, isn't it?" Cass then says after a moment of silence. "It looks that way, love. But I'll be dammed if it ends the same way as it did for her. You're to live a long happy life, love. I'll make sure of it." Polly says, slightly sternly as her ambition takes over. "I hope so, Pol. I have someone to find." Cass says tiredly. "Who, love?" Pol pries, knowing that Cassie is too ill to control her verbal filter.

Cassie sighs as she closes her eyes, her mind filled with the memories of Alfred. "A soldier, Pol. He has my heart, but I don't know where he is. He was the only good thing to happen to me during the war. He was so sweet and gentle. He was a captain." Cass says, keeping her eyes closed as she smiles weakly. Polly wants to ask more but knows that her niece could still close herself completely, no matter how ill she is. "His name was Alfred. I don't even know if he made it home alive." Cass continues, wiping a single tear before it falls.

Polly takes Cass's hand in hers, almost flinching at her fever. "You'll find him, love. If it's meant to be, you'll find him." She says softly, brushing the sweat-soaked hair off her niece's forehead. "Get some rest, ok?" she then says. "Please don't leave, Pol." Cass whispers, tightening her hand around her aunt's. "I won't." Polly whispers before Cass falls into a deep sleep.

To say that Polly is grateful would be an understatement. If she knew that Cass would open up in this state, she probably would have forced her out into the rain months ago to catch a cold. Polly knew that Cass was having troubles of the heart, but she only ever thought that it was the horrors from France that was hurting her. Now, she's realised that her niece is experiencing heart break. Polly knows all too well what that feels like and can't help but feel bad for putting so much pressure on her.

Since Cassie and the boys came home, Ada and Polly having been pushing them to talk about what they went through. Arthur and John had no problem talking about it, but Tommy and Casandra were harder to crack. Polly knows now why Cass didn't want to say anything. Just like Ada, Cass has been forced to spend her life alone. There's no way in hell their brothers would let them spend time with boys growing up. They were always focused on the mistakes that could be made, rather than the joy that could be felt.

As she watches Cass sleep, Pol makes a vow to herself that she will help to find this mystery soldier. Maybe then, Casandra Shelby can have the life she's always deserved.

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