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~Y/N's POV~

"I still don't understand why you're deciding to clean out your attic" I mused as I carried another heavy box into the living room and my mother smiled at me "I wanted to take a trip down memory lane"

I smiled and opened up the box that was labeled "Y/N"

The box contained several items such as stuffed animals, photo albums, a binder full of drawings, a couple of worn out baby clothes and a.....VHS tape?

"What is this?" I asked as I held up the tape and my mother quickly grabbed it "Oh it's nothing, it must've gotten mixed up with your items"

I raised a brow "Whats on the tape?" I asked and she shrugged before tossing it inside of another box "Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure that it's just a tape that I used to record an old show" she mused and I hummed "Oh alright" She sucks at lying.

I decided to pull out the photo album and I smiled when I saw pictures of me as a small child, I had large grins in every single photo that had been taken.

That's when I saw a photo of me and a man that I didn't quite recognize but.....I still got a sense of familiarity while staring at him.

"My dad.....- is this my dad?" I questioned while pointing to the photo and my mothers eyes widened slightly "Oh no! Not at all, he was just a family friend!"

I looked back down at the photo and frowned "Oh"

My mother told me that my father left us before I was even born so I don't know why I bothered asking her if this was him, apparently he was a deadbeat and couldn't handle the responsibility of caring for his own daughter. I guess I just wasn't worth it.

I placed the photo album back into the box after flipping through a few more pages and my mother let out a small sigh "That was the last box.....are you sure that you can't stay for any longer?" She questioned and I chuckled "I've been here all weekend! Unfortunately I have to drive back up there before it gets too dark"

She sighed "Thankfully it's not that far.....did you want to stay for dinner?" She questioned and I shook my head "No I'm not hungry, and I should really head back to the dorms"

My mother nodded and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug "Come and visit me again soon" she said and I smiled "I will"

She pulled away but kept a firm grip on my shoulders "I haven't heard anything about him in a week so I'm assuming that Hikaru has left you alone, correct?"

𝓢. 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓾𝓬𝓱𝓲𝔂𝓸 {𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂∙𝓓𝓸𝓵𝓵}Where stories live. Discover now