Calvin Leaves/ LaLa lands

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Ok so I found out some bitches can't come up with their own ideas and jacked mines. Its all good tho i know im the original and you're the fake. Basically hood love was copied not word for word but alot of the events all the same in my order just some slight name changes from that one. I was pissed at first then i was like well im an inspiration to these assholes. Im going to inspire.. So shoutout to the jackass that stole my thought out story :) if you're reading this thanks you suck!!!

( ahaha im mean, but oh well just being real. On with the story!! If you guys spot anymore copiers please let me know. I've become too wattpad famous lmao jp WELL READ ON )



" Bye, babe. Love you " He hugged me again. I kissed him one last time. " Love you too Calvin " I say.

Man, I was going to miss his ass though.

But life must go on without my boo.




2 1/2 hours later.


" This was why I hadn't been coming around. I was scared to tell you. I didn't know what you would think of me. " She says crying. I pulled her into a hug.

" Oh my gosh you about to have a baby! Im soo happy girl I wouldn't think no less of my bestfriend. I love you girl you should have told me so I could have been there. Who's the daddy? " I ask. " He didn't want to be in my babies life " She says. I felt so bad.

" Aww doll you should have told me! We about to have a kid! Forget that deadbeat punkass bitch! Me and my babymama about to have out first child together. Wait til Twitter and Facebook hear about about to be a parent. As long as we get shared custody and my baby can be in D-town " I say. She laughed.

" Oh my freaking god I love you. You are the bestfriend in the whole wide world, Mercedes " She hug me again.

" I know. I know. How my baby? Its healthy? How far are you? What are going to name it? Do you know what It is? " I ask all these questions and one beath and she laughed.

" Damn i'll tell you everything over lunch. Im tired and hungry. Airplane food does not cut it, boo. " She says.

" Was it good for you to be flying while prego? Thats not a crime huh? FWP " I joke. We laughed.

" Im here aint I? " She reply.

" Cedes that was the corniest joke ever. I already know what im getting you for christmas. A handmade joke book by me because you needs some work " Chucky butt in. I gave him the screw face then tossed a pillow at him before turning back to La.

" He's such an asshole but ain't nobody listening to him. Anyways, babyma lets go eat and let me show you Dallas. You're going to love it " I grab her hand.

" Where that bitch that tried to harm and kidnap my babymama? Cause girl I told you my second cousin Pookie live out here and I will have him bring me a pistol and we can go to his fucking house like some real thug " She says. I laughed.

Damn i missed my girl.



We shopped and ate and had girl time. She told me all about being pregnat and what was going on at home. How was everything.

" You're moms doing better. Like alot better. I never seen her look so good " She says.

" Oh yeah, nice to know Tasha getting it together " Yep i called her by her goverment. Why call her momma when she hasn't been a mother to me or my sister. I still hold a grudge and am not fond of her. She put me through so much. I never got to have a regular childhood or be normal. Shit's always been hard for me and I partly blame her and the crack pipe. Yet, im going to be woman and take some fault for my life. I did do alot of dumb shit that I probably shouldn't have did. But when you're in my situation you only have so many choices to chose from and paths to go down. I like to believe i picked the right one.

" I know you hate her but I just ask that you let her talk to you and be in you're life. You need her more then ever now, with what you been going through. I'm sorry to break it to you miss independent but you need a parent in you're life. You might be grown but that little girl that wants and cried for mommy ain't never left you. You just tried to cover her up " She says.

I hate when people can read me so easily and I don't want them to. My bestfriends were always hard to lie to and cunn around. They knew me all to welll.

" You don't get it LaLa. I just hate her so much. She was never there! She put me through so much. Maybe if her ass would have been more then a parent to me then the pipe I wouldn't be working the pole all night now! But she wasn't and I refuse to let her keep fucking up both of our lives. Letting her back in is only going to do just that, I know. I been down that road. She says she's clean and won't go back then bam! Few weeks or months later Im dragging her high drunk ass out a alley or some strange dude I don't know leaving our apartment with her crackhead ass right behind him after they finish doind god knows what! That shit still hunts me. I hate it! " I say.

" I know. But everybody deserves another chance. I thought you learned that with Calvin...anyways, Mercedes thats you're mom. You only get one. One she's gone forever and you can't have her back you're going to regret pushing away the time you could have had and cherished with eachother. " She says.

" I'll think about it LaLa..but no promises...can we talk about something else...If its a girl can we name her Cedes? " I ask. She laughed.

" No. We going to name her after me! " She says. " I be damn if my child don't take after me. Don't come at me on no child support then cause imma sing shawty putt all the way to the courts, ya feel me. THAT BABY DONT LOOK LIKE ME! LALA THAT BABY AIN'Y MINESSSSSS! IM SORRRRYYYY " i Sing in my Shawty voice and she feel out laughing. " YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! GIRL YOU HEARD MUARY! I AIN'T BUYING NO CAR SEAT AND DON'T DRESS HER LIKE ME THAT AIN'T MY LITTLE BUDDY! " I love making her laugh.

" Ok! Ok Shut up, people starting to stare at us! her name can have something to do with yo crazy ass. Just stop with yo bad singing " She says.

" Girl quite playing you know I sound I sound like Beyonce! " I say and she laughed again. " Go make me stop and get naaasssttyy " I did the shakira belly roll.

" Ayyy get mami! " And omfg some dudes seen. We feel out laughing all over agin.

" Oh my god you are so embarassing, Mercedes! " she says. I was cracking up!

" Girl dont make me get to pop lock and dropping it. You remember the chicken noodle soup? Shiit, Im bouta get it " I say. We were dying.

" Oh my god no! Letsss gooo! " She pull me off. I just laughed and followed after her.

" LALA WHY ARE ASHAMED OF ME!! " I got loud. She only laughed as people looked at us.

Ain't nothing better then acting crazy with your bestfriend.



-- Shantii

Hood Love (Finished) p.s editingalsoWhere stories live. Discover now