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It's been three days since Rosa hit her head and Jenna hasn't allowed her to lift a finger, even if she's gotten a little better every day. And every day, Damon has come and checked on her, but always blamed it on that he couldn't stand Stefan's endless talk about Elena. Jenna wasn't really pleased with having him in the house, she thought he was too playboy-ish and often compared him to her ex, Logan Fell. But today was the day Rosa finally would get out of the house, since Jenna had promised her that they would go to the football game. But when they got there Jeremy already had gotten in trouble, this time he had gotten himself into a fight with Tyler. Rosa started to run towards them and saw how her brother grabbed a broken glass bottle, and then he rushed up and struck at Tyler.

"Jeremy, don't!" She screamed in panic. But thankfully Tyler moved out of the way and instead Stefan took the hit. "Jeremy! Jeremy! What the hell! You reek of alcohol!" She screamed while she held her brother by the arm.

"I'm fine! Just stop, okay!" He growled and walked away.

Rosa saw how Elena walked after him, but he on the other hand had no interest in any type of conversation. Rosa walked towards Stefan to check on him. His back was turned to her and as she came closer she could see how his hand was red with blood. "Stefan, Your hand! Are you okay?"

"No, no, no, it's fine." He said while closing his palm and putting his hand behind his back.

Elena had given up on Jeremy and had also seen Stefans bloody hand. ""Is it deep? How bad is it?" She said while trying to get a better look. "Come on!" She grabbed his hand and the scar was completely gone.

"But...I saw it, we saw it. It was..." Elena exclaimed

"He missed. It's not my blood. See?"

"But I saw it. The glass cut your hand, you had a wound..." Rosa insisted

"It's okay, I'm okay. It's almost kick-off time, so, um, I'll, uh, I'll see you after the game

Elena and Rosa looked at each other in confusion and then they heard how Mr. Tanner started to speak in the microphone, and how he welcomed everyone to today's match. Rosa made her way to the parking lot to process what she just saw. She was sure he had a wound on his hand that apparently magically disappeared.

"Hello, little Gilbert." A voice said behind her

"Damon! You scared me. What are you doing here?" Rosa laugh

"I'm hiding from Caroline."

"Oh, really? Because I don't think you're very good at it." Rosa said and pointed at a waving Caroline. Damon made no effort in waving back and put his focus back at Rosa.

"I need a break. She talks more than I can listen and then she's also awfully young."

"Young? Not much younger than you are." Rosa said raising her eyebrows

"Well, I just don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. I think she'd drive me crazy!"

"Do you know what I think? I think you should talk to her and not me." Rosa said and turned him around so that he now stood face to face with Caroline.

"Tell me what?" Caroline asked and tilted her head

"Caroline, how lovely to see you here!" Damon said while he glared at Rosa. But she knew Caroline would take good care of him, so she walked away with a big grin on her face.

Later that evening Rosabell got bored and went with the excuse that she needed to go to the toilet, but in reality she just wanted to get away from all the cheering and screaming people. The toilet that was right next to the boys lockers and when she walked passed she heard Stefan and Damon argue.

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now