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Rosabell felt how each breath she took was like knives in her chest, it felt like someone was strangling her. Her throat was sore, it felt like sandpaper every time she swallowed. Damon had brought her to Sheila after the incident last night. Even though Sheila didn't know what was wrong with her she tried everything to help her, but nothing worked. She had tried countless different types of spells and potions, but she only kept getting worse.

Rosa drank from the glass that Sheila had brought her, but a second later she started coughing. She reached for the tissue in front of her and held it for her mouth, and it was no surprise that it got blood stains on it afterwards.

"Grams, she's just getting worse. Can't we do something more?" Bonnie begged her grandma

"I'm afraid I don't know what to do. I have only heard about the druid curse. It was priests and priestesses that tapped into dark magic, and were able to control the darkness within it. But when the other witches started to see the threat they posed, they put a curse on them and their descendants. But I have never heard anything about coughing up blood." Sheila said and looked at Rosabell, "Rosabell, what did your dad write about the druid's?"

They were sitting in Sheila's kitchen and tried to both figure out what was happening with Rosa, but also how they were going to lift the spell on the tomb. "My dad wrote that the curse only happens to the oldest child of every generation, and since Elena is a dopplegänger, I'm next in line. It also says that in order to trigger the curse, the person must consume blood and then be marked with the triskelion, which symbolizes life-death-rebirth." She took a deep breath and continued, "But of course nothing about coughing up blood."

"But can't we try contacting your dad's spirit? I mean, he might have gone through the same thing you're doing now." Bonnie proposed

"It would be a great idea Bonnie, but my dad wasn't the oldest child." Rosa explained as Bonnie furrowed her brow in confusion. "My dad had an older brother, Josuha, but he disappeared fifteen years ago." She said with a forced smile on her lips since she didn't want to bring the atmosphere down completely. Rosa appreciated her friend's suggestion, but right now everything felt hopeless.

"Oh." Was the only thing Bonnie could say before Elena and Stefan entered the room. She and Bonnie had been kidnapped by Jeremys 'friend', Anna, who turned out to be a vampire, and she also wanted the tomb to be opened.

After much discussion, Sheila agreed to open the tomb for Damon to get Katharine, but the rest of the vampire's would be destroyed by fire. So it was decided that Rosa, Bonnie, Sheila and Stefan would go and prepare for the spell at the tomb, and Elena was going to get Damon to agree with their plan. They weren't sure he would trust them again, but it was worth a shot. Sheila had told Rosabell that she absolutely wasn't allowed to do any type of magic, since she already was weak from the curse. And it didn't matter how much Rosa tried making her change her mind, she was determined that this was the way it needed to be done.

"I cleared the debris away and set the torches like you asked." Stefan said while climbing up from the tomb. "We can get down now." He placed the shovel against the rock Rosa was leaning against. She didn't have the strength to stand by herself anymore. She was devastated by not being able to help them in any way.

"Brother, witches, druid." Damon said and walked past them with a blood bag in his hand. He was still bitter at them for trying to trick him. But if this worked then he would get Katharine back.

"Are we ready?" Elena asked and Sheila nodded

"I guess so." Bonnie swallowed hard and followed the rest of them down to the tomb

Rosa could hear the nervousness in Bonnie's voice. Sheila had ordered Rosa to stay right where she was, because the spell could go wrong and backfire, which could potentially kill her. She could hear how the two Bennett witches started chanting. It felt like it took forever to get the tomb open, but after a while she heard a loud scraping sound.

"We did it! It's open!" She heard Bonnie yell

Rosa's head snapped when she heard a crack behind her. She looked out in the dark forest and didn't realize that a person was standing behind her. All of a sudden she felt a firm grip around her shoulder and was thrown towards a tree. Her back throbbed in pain from the impact and she gasped for air. She tried getting back on her feet. But got pushed back down by the man.

"I wouldn't do that, Rosabell." She could now see the man's face. She knew who it was, Ben McKittrick. He worked at the Grill with her. And at his feets laid her unconscious brother.

"Jeremy." She whispered as black veins started to appear around Ben's eyes. He turned towards her brother. He was going to feed on him! She felt how her blood was boiling and with the last strength she had left, she let out a piercing scream and saw how Ben flew backwards. The mark on her neck started to burn just as her coughing got more intense. Her vision started to get blurry and her heartbeat started to get weaker. This was what Sheila talked about when witches push their magic too hard, it pushes back.

"Rosabell!" Stefan screamed and ran to her side. "Hey! Stay awake!" He bit his wrist and brought it to her mouth. "Rosa, you need to drink my blood." He said with panic in his voice.

Rosa felt the taste of iron in her mouth and after a while she pushed him away. Her heartbeat started to beat harder and her vision went slowly back to normal. She saw how Ben rushed towards Stefan, and with her new strength she held up her hand towards him. It was like he hit an invisible wall. He fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Stefan looked at her in amazement, he had never seen someone get back their strength so fast after drinking vampire blood. He stood up and put his focus back on Ben.

"Thought I told you to leave." Stefan snarled at him

"I considered it. Then I thought, screw you." Ben replied, who was standing up again

"Hey, hero." Anna said and stepped out from the shadows. "I'm going down there to get my mother."

"I can't let you do that." Stefan said and shook his head

"Well, Ben's about to make a main course out of Elena's little brother. So, you can either stop me or him. Your choice." Anna turned around and started to walk towards the tomb. Rosa felt how the adrenaline was pumping through her body. She didn't know where her courage came from but she started to walk after her. But Stefan pulled her back.

"It's not worth it." He whispered to her and turned to Ben. "Do you really think she cares about you? Hm? You're disposable."

"I don't care. She already gave me what I want." Ben clenched his jaw by his comment, obviously hitting a nerve.

"Are you going to say 'eternal life'? You really that stupid?" Stefan mocked him and Ben moved closer towards them. Rosa took a step towards him and crossed her arms.

"You know, I've heard about you. You don't feed. You're not strong enough to beat me." Ben growled and went to attack Stefan. Stefan grabbed him easily by the arm and knocked him to the ground.

"Is that all you got?" Ben pushed himself up

"That's enough!" Rosabell growled. She was furious with him for putting her brother in danger. She stepped right in front of Ben and held up her closed fist. In her mind she thought the short but powerful word, 'Incendia', and opened her hand. Flames started to consume his body like snakes. She watched him running around, screaming in pain until the lifeless body dropped dead on the ground. Stefan's face was blank. He had just watched Rosa nearly die a moment ago, and now she had enough strength to conjure fire. His gut feeling was telling him that something was different about her. "Rosa, are you okay?"

Rosabell looked at Ben's dead body emontionessly. She wasn't disturbed by the fact that she just killed a person, she felt alive, she felt powerful. She looked at Stefan with a smile, "Yeah, I feel great." She said and started to walk towards the tomb.

"Rosa. Why don't you take Jeremy home, and I will go and help the others." Stefan proposed. It was safer for her to be home, he thought.

"Absolutely." She answered without hesitation. She took a hold of Jeremy's arm and focused on his bedroom. The wind began to blow stronger and the leaves swirled around them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, and then they were gone. Stefan stood and looked at the now empty ground. There was definitely something strange going on with her.

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