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Stefan entered Alaric's apartment and looked for traces of Klaus, but unfortunately the only thing he found was Katherine.

"Hello Katherine." He said without paying any type of attention to her.

"Two days!" She snapped. "I've been waiting for two days! I'm supposed to be free from Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead!" She screamed on the top of her lungs.

"We ran into complications." Stefan explained.

Katherine flew at him and threw him across the room. Stefan jumped back to his feet and tried to pin her to the wall, but with a flash their positions were reversed. The sound of the front door opening made Katherine tighten her grip around Stefans throat.

"Klaus, your back." Katherine said as she proudly showed him Stefan. "Look who decided to come for a visit."

Klaus' eyes lit up when he saw who it was. "You just keep popping up, don't you?"

"I need your help...for my brother." Stefan said as he squirmed out of Katherines grip.

"Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention."

"You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here." Elijah stated.

Stefan looked at Elijah with cold eyes. "You made her a promise."

Elijah's eyes widened at Stefans words and in a second he had knocked him down to the floor. He kneeled down and whispered slowly to him. "This is my way of protecting her. I gave her my word and I intend to keep it." Elijah quickly stood up and faced Klaus. "You gave me your word to reunite me with our family." He said bitterly.

"And so I shall." Klaus responded and stabbed his brother with the dagger right through his heart. "Now what am I gonna do with you?" He said and turned his attention towards Stefan as he let his brother's dead body fall to the floor with a thud.


Elena and Rosabell sat quietly in Sheriff Forbes' office. Elena looked at her little sister for a while before speaking up. "How's Damon?"

"He's been better." Rosabell answered shortly.

The silence created an awkward atmosphere in the room. "Why didn't you tell me?" Elena asked, trying to break the awkwardness.

"We didn't want to worry you...after you know...Jenna." Rosabell said without looking at her sister. The death of Jenna was hard on everyone and just mentioning it made Rosabell tear up.

Elena pulled her little sister in for a hug. "We will get through this."

The hug between the sisters lasted for a while before the door opened and The Sheriff walked in. She sat down in the chair in front of them and looked at the two girls. "You know what they are, what they do. And still you care about them, protecting them?" The Sheriff clenched her hands tighter by the thought of vampires, that she had been fooled by one of them.

"Look, I understand why you hate them, but you're wrong." Elena pleaded.

"They're murderers." She argued back. "Rosabell, please tell me you're not agreeing with your sister?"

Rosabell didn't know how to answer her. One part of her wanted to tell her that not all vampires are murderers, but another part knew that her words wouldn't change The Sheriff's mind.

The Sheriff understood the meaning of her silence and shook her head in disbelief. A small knock was made on the door and a deputy walked in. "Damon Salvatore was just spotted outside The Grill." He said.

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now