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The Mystic Grill was strangely empty on a Thursday evening. Usually it was crowded, but today there were nearly no customers, except for Damon and Alaric. Rosabell was cleaning behind the bar when a man walked through the door, she looked up as the man sat down in front of her.

"Good evening Rosabell." The man said.

"Do I know you?" Rosa asked. She had never seen the man before.

"Oh, I'm Jonas Martin." He looked around before continuing, "Elijah sent me."

Rosa furrowed her brows. The last thing she had heard from Elijah was a message telling her that he wanted to meet her at the end of the week. "Why has he sent you?"

"He wants me to make sure you're safe." Rosa locked her eyes on him, there had to be something more than just making sure that she's safe. Jonas sighted, "Okay, he wants me to do a spell on you. But it is to protect you." He confessed.

"Um no." Rosa said and walked away. She didn't know who this Jonas was and she didn't trust Elijah enough after everything that had happened between them. To see a person rip out someone's heart wasn't what she had expected from him. But she also didn't want to admit to herself that she had catched feelings for him, because it felt like something or someone wanted to pull them away from each other, wanting her to be scared of him.

Rosabell walked through the door to the personal space of The Grill. She sat down on one of the chairs in the room and started to unlace her working shoes. Another day at work finished, she thought to herself. She let out a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. Elijah Mikaelson confuses her, one moment she felt like she was blessed to have him in her life, the next she was uncertain if she could trust him.

"Hey, you're alright?" Matt said and sat down beside her.

"Yeah, just a little sore feets from today." Rosa and Matt had been friends since forever, but when Elena and he broke up their friendship was affected too. But since they started to work together they became closer again.

"Try a warm bath. I promise it will help." He said and chuckled.

"I will try that, thanks." She also chuckled. The clock turned 7.30 pm, "And now I'm free to leave this place. Take care." She said and walked out the backdoor. It was dark outside and a light flickered in the alley. It felt like something was going to jump out of the dark. Rosa started to walk faster when she heard footsteps behind her, and when she turned the corner she felt someone grab a hold of her.

"Shit, Damon. What are you doing? Why are you following me?" She snapped at him with a shaky voice.

"Following you? I was just wanting to surprise you." So Damon wasn't the person that walked behind her? Rosa peeked around the corner, but as expected no one was there. "What are we doing?" Damon asked as he also was peeking around the corner.

"I think someone was following me." Rosa got a chill going down her spine. Was someone really following her, or was she just going paranoid?


Rosabell and Damon had once again found themself in trouble, this time werewolf problem. Jules had taken Caroline as hostage, in exchange for Tyler. This was madness, they were about to start a war with a pack of werewolves.

"So what's the plan? Just exchange Tyler for Caroline?" Rosa asked, trying to keep up with Damon as they walked through the forest.

"That's Stefans plan. My way is a little bit bloodier." The two of them kept walking, the ground was bumpy and Rosa almost tripped several times. It was quiet, too quiet. "I can smell the dogs. We're close."

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now