The Carnival

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The man came to his senses, the blood ran down his face, and on the ground laid the girl, his prey. His hands were shaking when he picked her up, tears ran down his cheeks.

"I-I killed her." He cried. "I killed her!" His scream echoed in the dark forest. He didn't have control of what he had done, he couldn't stop drinking her blood which led to her death. He walked in the middle of the night, carrying the girl he was in love with in his arms through the village. The guilt consumed him.

By the house a blonde woman stood and cleaned when the man came carrying with the woman. Horror struck her when she saw the man. He walked emotionlessly towards her and handed the girl to her and dropped down on his knees.

Rosabell felt a small tapping on her shoulder. The gray mist disappeared and the vision stopped. Ever since the dinner with Elijah the visions came more often, nearly every day now. She felt something for him, something that made her bubble of happiness whenever she thought of him, but the visions made her uncertain of how to feel about him. She felt another tapping and snapped out from her train of thoughts.

"You're awake?" Jeremy asked his sister

"Yeah, are we there yet?" Jeremy and Rosa were on their way towards the carnival, Elena said that it was good for them to socialize after their little fight the other day.

"If you haven't realized the car has stopped." He mocked her. "And because I drove today you owe me something to eat." Rosa rolled her eyes.

In the end Rosa agreed to buy him popcorn. They were walking around and watching all the joy around them, people laughing, having a good time. Rosa saw a stuffed animal as a stag and she had to have it. During her and Elijah's dinner yesterday they had started talking about animals, and he confessed that his brother's called him the noble stag, so she had to win it for him. The game was pretty simple, she had to throw three balls into a clown's mouth, but it soon turned out to be really hard. She was trying for the fourth time when Damon walked up to them.

"Jeremy, it's good to see you alive." He said, knowing that the twins were angry at him for snapping Jeremy's neck.

"Aren't you a little old for a high school carnival?" Jeremy asked in a rude tone. Rosa stopped listening to them, trying to concentrate. The first ball went into the clown's mouth, the second did the same. She only needed the third one to do the exact same thing. She took a breath in and threw it, it felt like it was going in slow motion, and it missed...

"Unfortunately for you young miss you lost." She pouted as Damon stood right next to her.

"Hey you!" He said and pointed to the man that worked in the stand. He looked him in the eyes and said slowly and clearly, "I want you to give this young lady a price for nearly spending all of her money on your stupid game."

"Of course. Miss, what price would you want?"

"The brown stag please." She said and gave Damon a hug. She knew that they just cheated, but she really wanted that stuffed animal. "Jer-" She turned around and realized that her brother was gone. "Damon, where's my brother?"

"He-we made some small threats against each other and he left." He rubbed his neck, a little embarrassed

"Damon." Rosa sighted. She knew that both of them had sharp tongues. "Then you will get the honor to take a picture of me." She handed her phone and posed with the brown stag. Damon took a few pictures of her, then he started to mess with her phone.

"Who's E.M?" He asked and started to go through her and Elijah's messages.

"Damon stop, stop!" She screamed while trying to get her phone back.

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