The Compulsion

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"You have to chase me!" The woman laughed while running away from the man, but he didn't even make an effort to catch her. "You're meant to catch me."

"But if I catch you, the game will be over." He said as he made his way towards her.

"Thanks for entertaining me." She said with the wind blowing through her hair.

"You looked lonely inside, so I took pity on you." He joked, while the woman tried her best looking offended by his words, but failed when she saw his smile and sat down on the stone bench.

"Klaus promised to spend the day with me, but... he never returned home from the night." She said disappointed and looked down.

"Yes, Klaus does not live by any rules but his own." The man replied

"He is a very charming man. Hard for anyone to resist, I suppose."

"And yet..."

"I know not why he courts me. He seems not to care about me at all." She said with sadness in her voice

"Many a union has been built on less."

"Is it wrong to want more?" She asked him in hesitation. He sat down beside her and answered her question with another.

"Do you want more with Trevor?"

"Trevor believes that he loves me," She sighed, "but true love is not real unless it's returned. Do you agree?" She tilted her head and looked the man in the eyes

The man stared blankly into space before meeting the woman's brown eyes. "I do not believe in love, Katerina." His voice was filled with sadness and looked away again from her gaze.

Rosa snapped back to reality when Elena poked her arm to get her attention. Rosa had started to get back her 'nightmares', but it was more like visions now, she was even awake when she got pulled into them. She had been sitting by the table trying to read one of the Gilbert journal's when her sister needed to vent.

"Rosa, Rosabell! Are you even listening?"

"Yes yes, something about Damon." Rosa mumbled, not paying much attention to what she had to say.

"He killed Zach, he killed Mr Tanner, he turned Vicki and now he killed Lexi! And Stefan isn't talking to me right now." She exclaimed and sat down beside Rosa. "What should I do? I want to help him."

"Do nothing." Rosa said bitterly, tired after listening to her sister for an hour. "Let him deal with Damon."

Elena's jaw dropped in surprise at her sister's words. "Do nothing? What if he kills him, I mean, I don't like Damon but Stefan is the good one of them."

"Elena, you can't protect everyone. Even if you want to. Not me, not Jeremy, not Jenna, and not even Stefan."

"What? Rosabell, I'm serious. We need to try talking to Stefan about not killing Damon." She said as she started to walk away.

"So it's 'we' now?" Rosa said as Elena turned around and glared at her. "So it was 'we' who made the decision to compel both me and Jeremy at the Halloween party? Making us forget that Vicki is actually dead, making us forget that she nearly killed me?" Rosa stood up and walked past her.

"Rosa, I did it to protect you and Jeremy. And I don't even understand how you can remember it."

"That's the positive side of being a witch, you can't be compelled." Rosa said with a smirk on her face opening the front door.

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