The Journal

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It had been two days since Rosabell got home from the hospital and she felt alive, she felt different. She felt how her new found power ran through her body, like electricity. Jenna was still worried. She told her that she found her on the bathroom floor, in a pool of her own blood. That she didn't breathe, nor did she have a pulse. And the doctor said that it was a miracle that she was alive. But Jenna was just happy that her niece was alive.

"Are you sure that you're okay?" She asked for the hundredth time today

"Yes, I promise I'm fine." Rosa answered and put a cup of coffee in front of her, "And no I do not have any chest pain, and no I do not feel like I'm gonna pass out." She laughed

"Am I that predictable?" Jenna asked as Rosa nodded. "Okay, I get it. But you have to tell me if you are feeling the slightest dizzy." She implored and left Rosabell alone in the kitchen. Rosa took the medicine on the kitchen counter that Jenna made her take and walked up to her room.

When she had gotten home from the hospital she had realized that the journal was gone. And either Jenna or Elena knew where it was, so that left her to ask Jeremy about it. But he was most of the time hanging out with his new friend, Anna, she believed her name was. Elena wasn't home much either, after her little trip to Georgia with Damon she was with Stefan all the time. And Jenna had started to go out with the history teacher, Alaric. So Rosabell felt quite lonely, missing someone to talk to, or maybe just missing a certain person's percent.

"Hey, Rosa. I want you to meet my friend Anna." Jeremy said as she took the last step up the stairs, and behind him stood a brown hair girl that looked quite friendly.

"Hi, I'm Anna." She introduced herself with a smile, and held out her hand

"I'm Rosabell." She reached for her hand, but when they touched a small shiver made its way through her body, and up to her neck. She felt a burning sensation where her scar from the triskelion was. She frowned a bit with her eyebrows from the pain. That had never happened to her before.

"Well Anna and I are going to the Grill. See you later." Jeremy said. Rosa could hear the two of them giggle on their way down the stairs. And even if Rosabell was happy for her brother, she had a weird feeling about Anna, it was like her whole body screamed danger. But she put that feeling on hold when she remembered the journal. She looked out from her bedroom window and saw how Jeremy and Anna walked towards the car that was parked on the road. She opened it and shouted to her brother, hoping that he would hear her.

"Jeremy! Do you know where dad's journal are?" He looked up and covered his eyes in embarrassment, considering if he was gonna shout back or not.

"Mr. Saltzman borrowed it along with Johnathan Gilbert's journal!" He yelled back and drove away, hoping no one heard or saw him

"Great." She groaned and slammed her window shut. The one thing that could give her answers to what was happening to her, was in someone else's possession. It was freaking her out not knowing why she had that symbol on her neck. And Sheila didn't give her much answer, she just kept saying that the spirits will guide her. Annoyed and frustrated was what she was right now. She sat down on her bed and pushed the teddy bear she got from Damon off it.

"You seem to be in a good mood." Damon mocked her as he laughed. He leaned against the door frame and tilted his head. "Would Little Gilbert like to tell me why she is in a bad mood?"

"Do not call me Little Gilbert." Rosa hissed and threw a pillow at him, but as she suspected, he caught it before it hit him.

"Nice throw." He complimented and sat down on the bed, pushing the pillow in her face. "Tell me, why are you in a bad mood?"

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