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Rosabell sat in her bed under the blanket, she hadn't gotten up yet. She had woken up with a terrible headache and a burning sensation on the back of her neck. Jenna had brought her some warm lemon tea and freshly made pancakes, she said that it would help her headache in no time. She took a sip from the tea while she waited for Damon to finish speaking. He had just called and asked her to help him find the new vampire in the town.

"The only thing I want you to do is to walk around with the Gilbert compass and call me when it's spinning like crazy. Easy!" Damon explained

"Sorry Damon. I can't help you today. I promised Jeremy to help him with his studies." To tell the truth, Rosa hadn't promised her brother to help him study at all, she just wanted to stay in bed all day long and focus on getting rid of the headache.

"Come on, studying? When you can hang out with me! Well then, be boring." He said and hung up.

Rosa sighed and leaned back. She closed her eyes, it felt like her head was going to explode, and the burning on her neck got worse. She rubbed her temples by the thought of everything that was happening. Damon was hunting down a vampire, Elena was sad that Stefan didn't talk to her anymore and then there was Elijah. Since their last meeting she couldn't stop thinking of him. There was something about that vampire that made her wanting to get to know him, be around him. She still had her eyes closed when she heard footsteps approaching her.

"You're gonna help me study today?" She didn't even have to open her eyes to know that it was Jeremy that stood in front of her.

"It's rude to eavesdrop on your sister." She said a little more angrier than she had intended.

"It's rude to lie." He hissed back and dropped all the studying material in front of her. "And if you don't want me to tell your friend Damon that you lied to him, you could actually help me study." He grinned

Rosa opened her eyes and glared at her brother in annoyance. "Are you trying to bargain with me, little brother?" She saw how her brothers smile faded

"I'm only three minutes younger than you!" He complained and threw one of the books at her. Rosa threw her hand up and gave him a bothered look.

"Well now I'm definitely not helping you."

Jeremy shook his finger and acted disappointed. "Rosabell Anastasia Gilbert, we have a deal, don't make me break it."

"I never said that I agreed to that deal." She said and crossed her arms.

"No, you didn't. But I know you will." He said proudly and sat down on the edge of the bed. "So, what do you know about Johnathan Gilbert?"

"Do you mean weird Uncle John or weird 1800s John?" She asked as her brother laughed. "Because the 1800s John was a writer, horror stories and stuff like that. While uncle John is just weird."

"And the 1800s John wrote about demons and people getting slaughtered, that if something is weird. But let's just call him a lunatic." Jeremy chuckled. Rosa knew that the demons referred to vampires, so the story wasn't that weird, but she could obviously not tell her brother that or he would start calling her a lunatic too.

"Well, he's a Gilbert, so being weird is just natural I guess." Rosa chuckled

The rest of the day, the Gilbert twins sat and looked through the journals from their ancestors. Jeremy had gotten inspired from the stories in Johnathan Gilbert's journal and started to sketch, something he had abandoned when their parents died. Rosabell on the other hand was still sitting in her bed and read through all the journals that her dad had put in a box. But her mind got stuck on one thing that recurred in all the journals, The founder's Council. Damon had mentioned it before, but that her own family, her own dad, was a vampire hunter blew her mind. Her dad didn't like talking about the vampire subject, he only laughed at it and said it was a myth to scare children. She continued reading about the council, or the Founders council as they called themselves. All sorts of familiar names were mentioned, Lockwood, Forbes, Fell. Were they also vampire hunters?

Rosa turned to the next page and she stared at it with wide eyes. There it was, the symbol that Sheila had told her about, the same symbol that hung around her neck, the triskelion! Her dad knew about it! On the page it was written in large letters: IT IS A CURSE BY OUR ANCESTORS! She didn't get the chance to read more about it before she felt the burning sensation on her neck began to return, but the pain was worse this time and it felt like her skin was on fire. She stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. The sweat ran down her forehead and her vision started to become blurry, she blinked rapidly to get it back to normal. When she looked up in the mirror she saw how her eyes were totally black, so balck that she could see her own reflection in them. She didn't even have time to freak out about it before the pain became unbearable. She couldn't even make a sound because of how painful it was. It felt like someone was jamming needles in her, over and over again. Rosa felt how her legs were shaking, so she laid down on the floor and curled up, hugging her body and felt how her breathing got heavier. Then the whispers started.

"It's starting."

"She is one of us."

"Let the darkness run in your veins."

She didn't know how long she had been laying there, but the pain had finally started to go away and it was getting easier to breathe. Her body was sore, but she gathered strength to stand up. It was quiet, the whispers had stopped. The only thing she could hear was her own heartbeat. Her gaze was locked on her eyes, they were still completely black. Her neck still felt like it was on fire, and she felt something warm running down her back. She grabbed the hand mirror that was on the sink and positioned it behind her. She could see that the whole back of her shirt was covered in blood. She held up her hair and saw a symbol carved into her skin, but it wasn't just any symbol, it was the triskelion. She didn't know what to think, it couldn't be real, it had to be a dream. She felt how her heart started to beat faster and harder, a sharp pain shot through her chest and a second later her whole world went dark.


Rosabell could hear a beeping sound to her left and a sobbing woman to her right. She didn't have the strength to open her eyes, but she knew it was Jenna. Rosa didn't understand what had happened, the last thing she remembered was that sharp pain. She heard how a door opened and that someone walked into the room.

"Ms. Sommers, the visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow." Rosa assumed that it was a nurse speaking

"The doctor said that she would wake up today. Why hasn't she done that? She has already been here for three days." Jenna started sobbing again

"Ms. Sommers, we can't decide when she's gonna wake up. But I assure you that we will call you the second she does." The nurse said and led Jenna out of the room, and closed the door.

The only thing she now heard was the beeping sound. She didn't really know how to react. She was in the hospital for some reason, but she didn't feel any pain from her neck and her heart was beating normally now. She remembered that Sheila had told her that the triskelion was strongly connected to the druids, but nothing about the symbol being engraved on one's body and definitely nothing about the eyes turning black. And what did her dad really know about all of this, why did he write that it was a curse from their ancestors? She realized that her dad's journal would probably give her some answers to all of this. She had gotten her hopes up and slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and felt a bit dizzy. She took a look around the room, it was nothing special, a white hospital room with a bed in. Her eyes fixated at the table in front of her, there were some flowers and cards, and a teddy bear. Rosa put her feet down on the ground, she had to hold on to the bed, otherwise she would have fallen down to the floor. She picked up the teddy bear and the card said : To my favorite Little Gilbert, Damon. She picked it up and hugged it, she felt awfully alone. She looked through all the cards, it was from the Lockwoods, the Forbes, the Bennets, among others. But then there was a bouquet that caught her eyes. It was a beautiful red rose bouquet and a card attached to it : Dear Rosabell. I have gotten informed that you are in the hospital. I hope that you feel better soon, and that we can continue our conversation by our next encounter. Best regards, E.M.

Rosa smiled to herself and felt how her cheeks turned red from saying his name out loud, "Elijah Mikaelson." 

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