Birthday Disaster

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Over the past few days all hell had been let loose over Mystic Falls. Rosabell knew that there would be consequences for bringing her brother back from the dead, but she never thought it would result in angry vengeful spirits roaming the streets of the small town.

"This is really bad." Joshua said on the other side of the phone.

"I know. But is there even something we can do? I mean, we are talking about powerful magic from some of the most powerful witches to ever live." Rosabell said

She heard how her uncle let out a deep suck. "I will look into it and call back when I have found something."

"Really? That's great. And by the way, sorry for disturbing your holiday in New Orleans." She said and hung up. She kind of felt bad for asking her uncle for help during his holiday with Aiden, but this was an emergency.

"Will he help us?" Caroline asked as she put party hats in the shopping cart.

"Yes, and he will call back when he gets something." Rosabell looked down in the cart and was shocked at how much her blonde friend had already shopped. "Caroline, I know you really are hyped by Elena's birthday party but don't you think your... how should I put it, overdoing it...?"

Caroline gasped in shock at her friend's comment. "Excuse me, but who is in charge of the party decoration?"

Rosabell instantly regretted saying anything about it. "You."

"Exactly." She answered proudly and pointed at a giant Happy Birthday balloon. "Could you please bring me that balloon, we will definitely need it." She said with a bossy tone.

"Yes boss." Rosabell answered, not daring to do something else.

The two girls spent an eternity in the party store and loaded all the stuff in the car trunk. "Have you heard about the animal attack in Memphis?" Caroline asked.

"The third one this week in Tennessee." Rosabell said and closed the trunk. "Do you really think it's animals?"

Caroline rolled her eyes, knowing what she meant. "It doesn't mean it's Klaus."

"Doesn't mean it's not." She argued back. "I just mean, if it is Klaus we have to stop him."

"Rosabell Anastasia Gilbert, don't you think we have enough problems already?"

"Yeah, ghosts." She noted.

"Well, that too. But I was speaking about the party tonight. We still don't have a cake!" Caroline exclaimed like her life depended on that cake.

Rosabell laughed at her, it was nice that Caroline was still... Caroline even after all that had happened. "Do you know, I will help you with the cake."

The blonde vampire lit up with joy. "Really!" She squeaked and hugged her tightly. "That's great! Then I will have to..." She continued talking without noticing that her friend's attention was somewhere else.

Rosabell stared with sharp eyes towards the girl standing at the town square. The girl had long wavy brown hair with a black leather jacket. Vicki! She gave Rosabell a smirk and waved at her before disappearing.

"Rosa, Rosa are you listening to me!?" Caroline said in annoyance.

"Yes... of course." She answered, still staring at the now empty town square.

"Whatever. Just remember that it's very important that the cake is chocolate and raspberry flavoured." Caroline said and drove off.


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