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There was a darkness surrounding Rosabell. The last thing she remembered was her coversation with Elijah, how he told her to get back control of her body. She hadn't understood that she was in the spirit world until he explained the situation to her. And now she wondered where she had ended up. It was dark and cold, and every sound she made echoed back at her.

Then she saw a bright shining light in front of her. She squinted her eyes and saw a brown door in the light, and the door looked awfully a lot like her front door.

"You destroyed it all!" An angry voice echoed in the darkness. When the echo died down a figure started to get visible infront of her, blocking the door.

"Esther." Rosabell said bitterly.

"I was so close!" She screamed and sent Rosa flying backwards. "And I have no problem with killing you to get control of the body again." She slammed Rosa against the floor.

Rosabell pushed herself up, her body ached but she wasn't gonna let Esther win. "It's my body! And you can't have it!" She sent Esther flying to the side and walked towards the door.

But Esther was fast back on her feet and took a firm grip of Rosa's shoulder and pushed her to the ground. "I'm stronger than you, so don't even try to stop me." She snapped at the girl and made her way towards the door.

Rosabell was exhausted, her ears were ringing and her pulse was racing, something was wrong with her body.


Joshua, Mr. Martin and Luka were still standing around the young girl. They were too concentrated on the spell to notice the thick dark veins appearing on her body.

"Joshua, what is happening to her?" Aiden asked as the veins started to spread over her arms.

Joshua opened his eyes and was shocked seeing the condition of Rosabell. "She's dying." He said with panic in his voice.

"What?" Mr. Martin exclaimed.

"Her body has been without a spirit in it for too long. If Rosabell doesn't hurry up she will be trapped in the spirit world."


Rosabell saw how Esther almost was by the door, she couldn't let her walk through it. With her last strength she used her magic and pushed Esther down to the floor, she screamed as a bone in her body cracked. Rosa held her pinned to the floor while once again walking towards the door.

"No! NO!" Esther screamed when Rosa walked past her. "You can't do this! I'm the original witch, I will rise again!"

Rosabell held her hand on the door handle and turned around facing the blond witch. "And when you do, I will be there to send you back to the dark pit of hell you came from." She threatened her and opened the door. An angry scream from Esther could be heard when she walked through.


Rosabell's eyes shot open and she gasped for air. Her vision was blurry, but she could make out two people surrounding her. The dark veins on her skin started to disappear and her cold body started to get warm. By the voices she could figure out that it was uncle Joshua and Aiden that were standing beside her. The fireplace was lit and in the fire Rosabell's necklace melted. They had succeeded, Esther was gone and Rosa wasn't longer possessed.

"Elijah has more important stuff to do than lying daggered in someone's basement." Aiden snapped at Joshua.

"Aiden, I know. But we can't just burst into a house and try to undagger him." Aiden sat down on the armchair next to Rosabell. "And, you know what happened to the Martin family. Their deaths were...brutal."

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now