The Promise

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Elijah never wanted her to be left in the shadows of the truth, but the more she knew the more danger would come after her. "Klaus..." He hesitated to continue, but he couldn't keep her from the truth any longer, he wanted her to trust him. "...He's my brother."

"Your brother!? Klaus and you are brothers? And you want him dead?" Elijah nodded.

"And Esther is your mother?" Rosabell asked, thinking about her interaction with Esther knowing that she would do anything to kill her own son.

"Yes... and when she realised her mistake by creating the monster me and my family became she swore to kill us."

"Created?" Rosabell almost whispered.

"Yes. Me and my family are the so-called original vampire family, the first vampires to ever exist."

Rosabell felt every hair on her body rise, it was like the whole world stopped. This was what Sheila warned her about.

"There is a myth, a myth about a family trying to cheat death. They are called The Originals, the original vampires. And you, my dear Rosabell, will die by the hands of one of them."

Sheila's words echoed in her head, the man in front of her was a part of the family that could be the reason for her death.

Elijah saw that Rosabells whole expression changed and her eyes were filled with horror. "Rosabell are you alright?" He reached out for her but she stepped backwards. "Rosabell?" He heard how her heartbeat beated faster and how her breathing got heavier.

She never wanted to doubt Elijah, yet she couldn't turn a blind eye to Sheila's warning. "Would you ever hurt me?" She said lowly, knowing that the vampire infront of her could hear her words clearly.

Her words pierced his heart, it felt like a thousand daggers stabbed him over and over again. Did she know what had happened to the past women in his life? Fear. That was what Elijah felt right now, it wasn't in his nature to feel that feeling. "Rosabell Gilbert, trust me...I won't hurt you nor let anything else hurt you." The vampire took a hold of her hand and kissed it gently. "I promise you, I will protect you and stand by your side forever."

Rosabell felt a hard knot in her stomach, she wanted to trust him but it was like something told her not to.


"So the sun can't kill an Original? Then why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the Sun and Moon curse?" Elena asked Elijah.

"Right, the curse of the Sun and Moon. It's all so biblical-sounding, don't you think?" He said and let out a small laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked, not knowing how to feel about him laughing about it all. After all, Elijah wasn't the nice guy the first time she met him.

"The curse of the Sun and fake. It doesn't exist." He said and started to walk away and Elena walked fast after him. "Klaus and I faked the Sun and Moon curse dating back over a thousand years."

"So there is no curse?"

"There's a curse, just not that one. The real ones are much worse. It's a curse placed on Klaus." He answered lowly.

"What are you talking about?" Elena asked, even more confused than before.

"Klaus had been trying to break it for the last thousand years, and you are his only hope." He said as Elena's phone started to vibrate in his pocket.

"Then what is the real curse?" She asked as the phone continued to vibrate.

"Your phone will not stop its incessant buzzing." He said and handed her the phone. "Answer it please."

Elena answered her phone. "What happened? Okay, I'll be right, no, no!" She almost screamed. "Rosabell you will not go after him alone!" But it was too late, the call had already ended. "Klaus went after Jenna and Rosa is going after him."

Elijah felt how his blood froze by Elenas words. Just a few hours earlier he made a promise to protect Rosabell, and he never breaks a promise! Both Elena and Elijah rushed towards the car, hoping that they wouldn't arrive too late.

"Tell me what Klaus' real curse is?" Elena demanded as Elijah speeded down the road.

"My family was quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get on too well. When we became vampires, we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. This was her darkest secret. Klaus is from a different bloodline. Of course, when my father discovered this, he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover and his entire family. Not realizing, of course, that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day."

"A war between the species?" Elena asked

"The vampires...and the werewolves."

"So Klaus' real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf? Or a vampire?"

"Both." He answered shortly.

"And you have told Rosa this? Right?" When Elena didn't get an answer from Elijah she understood that her sister didn't have any clue what she was up against.

"Klaus wants to trigger the part of him that's a werewolf, to become a hybrid. Stronger than both species." He continued.

"And you helped him!" Elena reminded him.

"Yes, because I... loved him. But not anymore, he has to die." Elijah said coldly.


Rosabell stopped the car right next to the forest and pulled out a compass. "You can do it Rosabell, you can do it." She kept telling herself as she stepped out of the car. The wind was cold, but it didn't bother her since her blood was boiling with anger. She started to walk into the dark forest as she held the compass in front of her. She started to chant a location spell as the compass started to spin and then locked on the target, Jenna.

The night had fallen and the full moon had risen. In the distance a light could be seen and as she moved closer she could see her aunt laying on the cold ground. Without thinking she rushed towards Jenna. She was almost at her side when she felt how she couldn't move anymore, like her whole body had turned to stone. That's when she heard light steps behind her, steps that became louder for every second that passed.

"I can't let you do that." A voice said and pinned Rosabells body down to the ground. With all her strength she tried to break free but it was useless. "You arrived just in time." The person said and was now standing right infront of her, a woman, a witch.

"What do you mean?" Rosabell said even though it felt like her whole body was being crushed.

"Klaus is expecting you, you're a piece to break the curse." The woman stood up and walked towards what looked like circles drawn on the ground. "To break the curse there has to be two sacrificion, a werewolf and a vampire, and then the blood of a doppelgänger. But then we have the moonstone." She said and held out the shining stone in front of her. "The moonstone is the trickiest part of the whole curse. You see, for the Moonstone to channel the power of the full moon we need blood, more specific druid blood." She finished and just smiled.

"Why druid blood? What makes me different from you?"

"When it comes to blood magic your blood is stronger because of the natural darkness inside of you. So we just need a drop of your blood for the spell to work as it should." Just as she finished talking another pair of footsteps was heard, and out from the dark forest came Elena. 

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