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Rosabell, Elijah and Damon walked quickly through the school corridors. Damon glared at the other vampire walking in front of him, regretting that he let Rosabell undagger Elijah. But he also knew that they probably needed him to take down Klaus.

"If Klaus already is here in Mystic Falls he probably already has found Elena." Elijah said.

Damon let out a scoff. "Exactly what we needed to hear." He said sarcastically.

Elijah stopped in his steps and turned around facing the raven haired vampire. "How about you two try to find Elena and I will try to find Klaus." He said a bit coldly and with the wind he was gone.

Rosabell continued walking, watching students dressed up for the dance walking past them as she searched for her sister. After a while she saw Bonnie running towards them with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Klaus is here." She exclaimed.

"What do you mean? Have you seen him?" Rosabell said with panic in her voice. Were they already too late?

"No, but he used Dana to deliver a message to Elena." Bonnie answered her friend. "But we need to stop him before he gets to Elena."

"You mean the spell, don't you?" Damon asked with a raised eyebrow as Bonnie nodded.

"What spell are you speaking of?" Rosabell asked, having a bad feeling about it.

"A spell that will stop Klaus..." The Bennett witch hesitantly replied.

"There is a catch to it, aren't there?" Rosa had seen straight through her friend, knowing that there was something more to it.

"Just that there is a 50-50 shot to survive."Rosabell let out a big sigh. "I'm doing it to protect Elena, please understand."

"I understand, it's just that we all are playing with our lives because of a stupid vampire." Rosa said and Damon let out a small laughter.


The night grew darker and there still was no sign of Klaus, nor Elijah. But for once Rosabell wasn't thinking of Elijah, her mind was focused on keeping her sister safe. Damon had left the young Gilbert a while ago and she was now roaming the almost empty school corridors by herself. But just when she thought she was all alone a shadow at the end of the corridor catched her attention. She slowly approached and in horror she saw Chad drag her knocked out twin brother into a dark room. Rosabell hadn't realized that one of Klaus' minions was sneaking up behind her and in a mere second everything went black.

Dana dragged the unconscious body off Rosabell into the same dark room Jeremy was in. Both of the twins were tied to a chair and in the dark hallway a shadow could be seen.

Jeremy, who already had regained his consciousness, was trying his hardest to break free as the dark figure was walking closer.

"I have heard from a certain dopplegänger that the Gilbert twins often are messing things up." The person said and from the shadows he stepped out and revealed his face. "And I can't let that happen."

Jeremy felt his blood freeze when he saw that the person was no one other than Alaric. But before he even could say a word, Alaric snapped his neck. An amused chuckle was heard from Alaric as he started to move towards Rosabell, who still hadn't moved since being knocked out by Dana. He leaned over her and gently lifted up her head to get a better look. "Hello there love." He said with a grin on his face. "You seem special, but not special enough unfortunately." He said and was just about to snap her neck when a piercing sound filled the room and Alaric fell to the floor in pain. Rosabells eyes snapped open and Alaric looked at her in amusement.

My dreams | Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now