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Rosabell had just woken up from a remarkably good sleep. Since her visit to Sheila, her nightmares had stopped, it was like something or someone helped her. But Rosa absolutely refused to believe that it was the so-called spirits, it's probably just better sleep habits she told herself. But once in a while she thought, if vampires were real, why couldn't spirits be real. She often talked to Bonnie, it felt like they understood each other. They often discussed different weird things that happened to them, like yesterday Bonnie told Rosa about the necklace she got from Caroline, that had gotten it from Damon, actually belonged to a Bennett witch many years ago. But both Rosa and Bonnie just laugh at it.

Rosa made her way to the bathroom and saw that her sister already had occupied it. She leaned against the sink and looked at her. Rosa knew Elena tried to hide the existence of vampires, Damon had informed her that Stefan had told Elena about them a few days ago. And she thought it was pretty amusing to watch how she desperately tried hiding it.

"So, how's Stefan?" Rosa asked with a small grin on her face.

"He's good..." Elena replied a bit nonchalantly, while she continued straightening her hair.

Rosa couldn't hold in her laughter any more, and Elena gave her a worried look. "I'm sorry. But it has been quite amusing watching you hide the whole vampire secret."

Elena looked at her in shock. "But how? I have been so careful not to pull you or Jeremy into it."

"Yeah, that's Damon's fault. He pulled me into all of this when I saw him killing Mr. Tanner..."

"I knew it! I knew that it was him that killed Mr. Tanner." Elena snapped, "But Rosabell, please stay away from Damon. It's my duty as your older sister to protect you."

"I know, and I'm so glad to have you as my personal bodyguard." She said giving a fake smile

"Funny, very funny." Elena mumbled, "But I'm serious, he turned Vicki, and if you thought she was crazy before, she's even crazier now."

"He turned Vicki?" Rosa was a bit shocked. What was Damon up to now?

"Don't speak so loud." Elena whispered, knowing that their brother was downstairs, "And you can't tell Jeremy, he out of all of us needs to stay out of this. He's even skipping school today to go and look for her."

"Well you know what they say, love makes you do stupid things." Rosa chuckled while her sister just rolled her eyes. "So, what are you dressing up for the Halloween Party tonight?"

"Nurse..." She hesitated, knowing exactly how her sister would react

"Elena! You had that costume last year." Rosa sighed

"I didn't have time to buy something else. What are you gonna dress up as then!?"

"I feel like dressing up as a vampire this year. You know, red contact lenses, fake fangs and maybe some fake blood." She said while feeling pretty proud of herself, but her sister just glared at her. The two sisters spent the rest of the day preparing for the party, and they even convinced Jeremy to come with them

"Hey, Jer. what are you dressing up as?" Rosa said, trying to start a conversation with her twin, but he ignored her and kept looking down at his phone. She knew that her brother was devastated that Vicki hadn't contacted him, but she also knew that Vicki had been turned and Jeremy didn't need to be dragged into it! "I know you're upset about Vicki, but I think she has made it pretty clear that she doesn't want anything with you. The best thing you can do is to let her go."

"What does that even mean, 'let her go'?" He hissed at her, "But sure, since we're such experts on letting people go it should be easy, right?"

"That's not what I..." Rosa got interrupted by Jenna honking outside, and Jeremy took the opportunity to avoid the conversation and went out to the car. Rosa facepalmed in frustration, she had a feeling the night wasn't going to get any easier. When they arrived at the school, Caroline immediately dragged Rosa to the booze.

"Cider for the ladies. It's a Lockwood special." Tyler said and held out a drink to them

"No way. Last year I was hungover until Thanksgiving." Rosa said and Tyler gave her a smirk.

"Lightweight." Caroline joked, " I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with me."

"Sounds like a plan." Tyler implied and raised his glass. "Rosa, come on. Just take a sip at least." He begged and offered her a drink again

Rosa took a sip of the sweet drink and raised an eyebrow. "It's actually good. Well done Lockwood."

"Thank you, thank you." He said as he bowed jokingly, which made Rosa let out a laugh. "See! I can be funny."

Rosa just laughed and shook her head as she started to walk away. It wasn't that she disliked him, they had just never really hung out. So she only knew the tough, arrogant Tyler, but today he showed her a part of his funny side, which made her glad. Rosa was deep in her own happy thoughts when she saw Jeremy and Vicki sneak out the back entrance. At first, she didn't think it was a big deal since he had been following after her all summer. But then she remembered what Elena had told her at home, Vicki isn't human anymore! And both Elena and Stefan had warned her that Vicky couldn't control her hunger, which meant that her brother was in serious danger! She started to run by the thought of what could happen to him, and ran straight into Elena. Both of them fell backwards, but while Rosa landed on the hard floor, Elena had been caught by Stefan.

"What are you doing!?" Elena growled and looked bitterly down at her. "Can't you see that I'm trying to save our brother from becoming vampire food!" She said and rushed out the door. Rosa tried not to be bothered by her sister's little outburst and followed after.

"Vicki, no!" Rosa heard Elena scream and saw how she was thrown into a garbage pile right in front of her. Rosa bent down and helped her up while Stefan slammed Vicki against one of the buses, but unfortunately he couldn't hold her and she vanished into thin air. No one dared to breathe and they just stood looking at each other until Stefan yelled at them.

"Go, get inside. Go!" Elena grabbed both Rosa and Jeremy and made a run for the door. But just as they got it open, Vicki appeared and pushed Jeremy out of the way and slammed the door in Elena's face, causing it to jam. Rosa swallowed hard as Vicky slowly turned towards her.

"I can hear your heartbeat racing." She said, breathing heavily while walking towards her, "And it makes me really hungry." She roared and aggressively took a firm grep around Rosa's shoulders and bit her in the neck. Rosa let out a scream and closed her eyes in fear. This wasn't how she had imagined dying. She felt a cold feeling go through her whole body, how her heart started to beat slower and eyes got heavier.

"Stop!" Jeremy screamed, but Vicki didn't listen, it was like she was in a trance. Stefan broke a wooden plank in half and rushed towards her and staked her. She let go of Rosa and looked down on the plank sticking out from her chest. Jeremy let out a loud scream as he tried to run to her side, but Stefan stopped him. Rosa started to feel dizzy and felt how she started to lose her balance. Everything was spinning and she leaned against the wall. Elena had just gotten the door open and rushed to her side.

"Rosa, look at me!" She slapped her sister to keep her awake. "Stefan, her pulse is weak!" She screamed as the tears fell down her face. Damon appeared by her side and bit his wrist.

"No no! You have done enough." Elena said not even looking at him

"Then she will die." He snapped back at her and fed Rosa his blood.

"Damon." Elena looked up at him with sad eyes, "Can you make her forget? Can you make her forget what happened tonight?" She wanted to protect her siblings at all cost, and this was the only way she thought.

"Tsk, so you want my help now?" He answered, eying her "Don't think I'm doing this for you, I'm doing it for her own safety." He looked Rosa in the eyes and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry little Gilbert, it's for the best. Rosabell, you will not remember anything from tonight's incident. You will wake up tomorrow, blaming your headache on the hangover, and continue on with your life." He said as she went unconscious  

~ ~ ~ 

Hi all!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy writing it. And I know that the story might be moving a little bit slow right now, but bear with me, in the next chapter we will meet a certain Mikaelson! 

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