The Original Sister

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Rosabell sat in the bar with a cocktail in her hand, and Klaus next to her. Weeks had passed by since she left Mystic Falls, weeks of trying to help Klaus with his obsession to make more hybrids.

"So you're telling me that you brought back your brother from the dead and then his ex-girlfriend's spirit tried to kill you?" Klaus exclaimed as he bursted out laughing.

Rosabell coughed herself smiling. She had learned alot about Klaus, he had his weird ways of doing things but was actually not that bad. But that didn't mean she trusted him.

"So...what's the deal between you and my dear brother?" He asked as he still laughed.

"Elijah..." She said and paused before continuing, feeling the darkness in her growing. "He's a noble stag whose loyalty lies with his family." She answered coldly.

"That is true." Klaus agreed. "Elijah is a person that thinks that everything he does is to protect people, but to tell you the truth..." He said and took a sip of his drink. "Those people often end up dead."

"Dead?" Rosabell choked on her drink. What did the hybrid mean that they end up dead?

"He truly does care for you tho, but really what do you know about him?" He asked as Rosabell looked at him with dull eyes. "I don't want to be cruel but can it be so that you felt attracted to him because of his nobleness, him being a gentleman?"

Rosabell thought hard, and in the end she realised he was right. "I really know nothing about him do I?" She asked herself.

"As I said, he cares about you. But the feeling must be mutual for a relationship to work." Klaus said with his normal grin. "Trust me. I know how cruel this world can be."

"Well, you didn't really let me get to know him before stabbing him... again." She said with a smile as she took a sip of her cocktail.

"Do you know, I will let you undagger him if you want to talk with him so badly, getting to know him." He mocked her.

"No, I don't have anything to say to him." That was a lie, she had a lot to tell him. But a part of her didn't really care, or she tried not to care.

"Stefan!" Klaus exclaimed as he walked into the bar. "Welcome back to Chicago." Stefan just muttered to himself as he sat down by the bar. Klaus' smile faded by being ignored. "No fun." He said with a flat voice.

"So why are we here?" Stefan finally said after finishing his drink in one go.

"To meet a friend, to help me find the necklace."

"And why is she still with us?" Stefan asked and pointed at Rosabell.

"Isn't it lovely having dear Rosabell with us on this trip? I do quite enjoy her company." He said and patted Stefans shoulder. "And it's always good to have a witch by your side, you never know when she will get useful." Stefan met Rosabells eyes. He felt pity for her, for being dragged into this mess.

The door to the back flew open and a woman walked into the bar. "You gotta be kidding me!?" She exclaimed.

"Gloria." Klaus said and embarrassed her.

"And I remember you." She said to Stefan.

"Yeah, you're Gloria. But shouldn't you be..."

"Dead?" She interrupted him. "Now if I were dead who would run this place?" She said and spun around, facing Rosabell. "And you and I haven't met before."

"This is Rosabell, my personal witch." Klaus explained.

"Did you just say personal witch you say?" Gloria asked and studied the girl. "What type of deal have you made with this evil man?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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