Little Wolf

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"Who-who are you?" Rosa stammered.

"I'm Esther." She said with a smooth voice.

"What do you want?"

"I'm here to help you. You need to understand who Elijah truly is." She sat down on the edge of the bed and locked her eyes on the necklace around Rosa's neck. "That's a beautiful necklace." She remarked.

"Thanks...I got it from a...friend." Rosa explained. Rosa started to fiddle with the necklace she got from Sheila, since her death she never took it off, she was grateful that she tried helping her. "How do you know Elijah?"

"I knew Elijah when he was still human. And I need you to put him out of his misery." She said and somehow knocked Rosa out. She touched the necklace with her hand and started chanting, the blue gemstone started to glow red, the candles in her room began to flare up and a cold wind started blowing. Esther stopped chanting and once again disappeared.


Rosabell was sitting on the couch with her head buried in a pillow. It felt like her head was exploding and she let out a loud groan. Both Jeremy and Joshua looked at her and then exchanged puzzled looks. Joshua had tried explaining the werewolf curse for them, but Rosa wasn't in the mood for a history lesson.

"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with a moonstone." Joshua told them. When Rosa had told him her suspicions that the Lockwood's were werewolves, he had asked Aiden to send him his book of werewolf studies.

Rosa looked up from the pillow, she had heard about a moonstone before but she couldn't remember where. She was just about to leave when Joshua called her name.

"Rosa, I would need a word with you." He said and closed the book. She sat down again. "Are you alright? You seem a today." He had realized that his niece wasn't as interested in the supernatural subject as she usually was.

"I'm fine, just a headache." She said

Joshua just nodded. "I have come to the conclusion that it's time for me to move out from the guest room." That caught Rosa's interest, she knew that he someday would leave but she had hoped that it wasn't so soon. "And Aiden is out of the country for work. So I will move into an apartment in Mystic Falls."

Her face lit up. "That means you're staying?"

"Yes." He said with a warm smile on his lips. He had thought of leaving, but the time he had spent with his family had made him change his mind and with Aiden out of the country he saw no reason for going back to the cabin. "So I will start packing today." He explained and walked away.

Rosa dragged her feets up the stairs and into the bathroom and took a warm refreshing shower. She was filled with joy by her uncle's news but the headache was still lingering. She also knew that Damon was going to want to hear what Joshua just told her about the moonstone, so it was best to hurry to the Boarding house. She stepped out from the bathroom with a towel around her and walked towards the wardrobe. When she turned around she flinched at the sight of someone standing in her room.

"You" Rosa said with a furrowed brow, it was the same blonde woman from last night. "Esther, right?"

Esther just nodded slowly and pointed towards her necklace that had been placed on the nightstand, and then she disappeared. Rosa hesitated at first but then she walked towards the necklace she felt like something was pulling her towards it, and immediately when she touched it her headache disappeared. She put it on and hoped that the pain would stay away. Without realizing it, the blue gemstone in the necklace flashed in a blood red color for a second.

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