Offer 29

253 12 51

Smut warning.

Gojo lunged at y/n who moved to the side and caught the punch he threw before countering with a punch of her own but as she went to hit his stomach, something stopped her. An indivisible barrier didn't allow her to touch him. Gojo lifted his free hand and in a split second, y/n crashed the the floor. As she tried to get up, she realised no one was holding her down yet she was struggling to even keep her head up.

the hell?

"Is that all?"

Gojo stood back and taunted her as she pushed off her knees and finally managed to stand. Y/n felt immense weight within her muscle as she went to strike Gojo. The pressure increased and she again fell to concrete floor that cracked.

something's definitely broken

She tried to get up but it was useless. She couldn't even breathe as she felt her lungs being crushed aswell.

how, he isn't even touching me

"Air manipulation, the gravity you're feeling right now is around 10 times the normal. This is 30"

Y/n gritted her teeth together to suppress a scream. All the bones in her body felt like they were breaking, like a boulder was crushing her.

"Alright, that's enough Gojo"

"Aww c'mon, she can handle much more than that"

He ignored his brother and walked closer before kneeling infront of y/n.



Yeah I got it Beru

Y/n cleared her mind, just like meditating, before recalling what she had done to put out her flames just a moment ago.


Gojo made a suprised facial expression, only the 'o' his mouth created being seen. He noticed y/n's left hand flinch as she tried to lift it.

"The more you fight it, the harder it'll get to move"

just a seconddd

Using the rest of the strength in her body, y/n raised her hand and seperated her fingers. The weight lifted as the gravity immediately returned to normal confusing Gojo who thought something was up with him. In a swift motion, y/n stood up and swiped Gojo off his feet before raising both hands and clapping them together. The fire from the two flame torches came together and flew for Gojo's face but withered at his invisible barrier.


With her adrenaline now depleted, y/n began to feel the effect of being slammed against the floor twice. She dropped to one knee and held her stomach as she coughed out blood. Nanami held his hand out and restrained Gojo with earth as the blindfolded man went to continue the fight.

"I said enough"

The crowned Prince approached y/n and helped her stand, his muscular build being used as a wall that she leaned on.

"Forgive me, I should've stopped him the first time"

"Sorry! I must've gotten a little too excited"

"Excited? You nearly smashed her ribs"

Gojo raised his eyebrow, failing to see how he was in the wrong.

she told me to go berserk

I did didn't I 

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