Practice ~(6)

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With Nino:
Nino: So girls! Let's 1st select your roles. So Juleka, Rose and Mileni (sorry if I spelled it incorrect) will be the knights. Chloe will do the king's role and Lila (sorry I spelled it incorrect it will be liar 😒) will do the dragon's role.
Lila: sorry can u please give me the knight's role?
Nino: sorry Lila but no. So let's start the practice!

With Alya:
Alya: so boys! Let's see what roles u r capable of! Spenza will be the female farmer and I will be the male farmer. We need a big boy to be the stone guy, so u ( mileni's boyfriend) will be the stone guy. Shakes will be the Princess~. I think in all of you we have to choose a knight cause no girl is ready to go for that role.

Everybody said no but in there mind they were planning to give the role of the knight to Skarra cause he had a crush on Shakes.

Alya: Maybe I know who can do this, but it's a big surprise for u all until the performance day~. SO LET'S START THE PRACTICE!!!


While all were practicing, Alya secretly took Skarra to another room for the knight's role. At 1st he denied but Alya wasn't leaving him so he had to do it.

So guys, yeah, I used mlb for some of the parts. Skarra is like Marinette and Shakes is like Adrian. Please 🙏 send me the name of mileni's boyfriend cause I don't know. Sayonara~

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