New no.~(34)

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All tired, frustrated by his teammates or his 'friends', scared about what will happen tomorrow, happy by his 'new' friends aaaaaannd, yeah, training. Now he wants only one thing, silence and loneliness. He loves it, but not for a long time of course! Slowly he is dozing off into sleep. Closing his eyes and, zzzzzzzzzzz. With Invincible United:
Wait wait wait! They all were in their home only, just chatting. Now with Invincible United:

Vince: *adds a new member in the United 's group*
Dingan: [hmm? Who is this?]
Peter: [is this a new player?]
Snake: [I don't think so...]
Vince: [u all try to guess who's it. And also, it's someone u know.]
Web: [who can it be?]
Skarra: [shakes, isn't it?]
Vince: [..... Yeah. U r right. It's SHAKES!]

Sorry this is short tooo, hehe. I don't have that much time cause exams r coming soo, the parts r super small. But I promise I will write more bigger parts when the exams r over. Sayonara ~

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