Spies ~(17)

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Skarra, bathing. Shakes, brushing. With Supa strikas:

Coach: got any clue?
Rasta: no coach-man.
N. Shawn: Nope.
Blok: *speaking brislovian* no.
El matador: why he just doesn't tells us about his problems!?
E. Eye: did u forget that he isn't that type of person?
Big Bo: *sigh* but it doesn't changes the fact that Skarra said something bad to him....
Coach: Yes, and we have to find that out.
Tiger: have any idea coach?
Coach: hmmmm, maybe we can keep an eye on him?
Claus: like spies? (Plural form of spy. If I am wrong, please comment.)
Coach: yeah?
Tiger: who's gonna do that?
Everybody: *turns to Tiger*
Tiger: ... Only me?
Coach: I can send Spenza for help.
Tiger: ok! Now I am ready!

But they didn't know that someone already kept an eye on them..... Sticking to the wall above the window of the room in which Supa strikas where discussing.

Web: *crawls* hmmmmm. I should tell this to Shakes. *Crawls down*

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