Just curious ~(27)

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Shakes: thx guys... *Hugs vince*
Vince: *hugs back* ur welcome

Soon, everyone join the hug. So lovely!!!~ with Supa strikas:

Everybody: ...
Coach: does anyone know where he might have gone?
C. Joe: nope
N. Shawn: nah coach
Blok: *nods to no*
Rasta: poor shakes. We should not have asked so many ques. and give him some time to speak.
Claus: I also should not have shouted at him. He was in so much anger...
Big Bo: and in that much he said so much...
E. Eye: ur right, Bo.
Griz: what should we do now? Any ideas?

Soon the environment filled with shaking heads and words like no, nope, nah, no dude etc could be heard.

Griz: ...
El mata.: Maybe we can ask someone to help us?
E. Eye: whom?
El mata: like spenza.
Coach: El matador is right, maybe we can ask him what to do about what happened here.
Rasta: anyone have his no.?
Claus, El matador, big Bo: me!
Tiger: I feel like I am being ignored or I don't exist. *Sobs*
C. Joe: sorry sorry. But this isn't the time tiger...
Tiger: yeah.
N. Shawn: what are we waiting for!? Let's call him!
Blok: *speaking brislovian* yes!
Coach: ok. Big Bo, call him.
Big Bo: yes coach! *Starts to call Spenza*

While they were telling him what happened, Shakes here, laughing with Invincible United with no fear or anger now. He felt calm, relaxed, but mostly he was feeling only one thing, 'loved'.

Snake: hey shakes!
Shakes: what snake?
Snake: don't u want to go to the strikas back?
Shakes: ... I won't lie but... Yeah, I do want to. But what ever I have done, I don't think I should go now...
Snake: *sigh* I understand, boy.
Shakes: good.
Skarra: don't worry, nothing wrong will happen if u just apologise and forget what happened *smiles*
Shakes: *staring skarra*
Skarra: uhhh, did I say something wrong? *Raises eyebrow*
Shakes: no, just...
Skarra: just?
Shakes: how r u so positive?

At that question, everybody faced towards them. Yeah, all were curious.

Skarra: ...uhhhh soooo, I just, think that every thing will be fine?
Shakes: and if something bad happens?
Skarra: then I will just ignore it. Simple *does the shoulder up and down movement*
Shakes: ok *smiles more*
Skarra: why u asked by the way?
Shakes: no reason. I was, just curious. *Faces to the sky*

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