The performance ~(7)

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A random girl say any teacher: Heeellllloooooo! U all know what is today! If no, I may tell u that today is the PERFORMANCE DAY!!!! SO LET'S START!!

After that, every class showed different types of acts, there talents, and many more.... Now it's the time of Shakes's class... Well, it goes as thought by Alya. At last when Skarra defeated Lila, that was the only time when Shakes was able to see the knight's face clearly and fell due to, blush~
Skarra: *shocked* Sha- Princess! *Catches him* r u ok?
Shakes: *blushing mess* y-yeah.
Everybody including Chloe and leaving Lila was like "AWWWWW, SO CUTE!!!". After that, his class performed a dance in which Shakes secretly kissed Skarra on lips and said thx to him. From that day, Shakes started to flirt with Skarra.

           *End of flash back*

The start of something ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora