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I felt the sun on my eyes and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital room. The news was playing about a robbery going on in some town.

"Aww, looks like you woke up."

I turned around and saw a doctor.

"What happened?"

"I was gonna ask you that. You were found washed up on the river and some people found you."

 I thought about what happened but it was foggy.

"I don't know what happened. I have no memory of me in the river or how I got in it."

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Well, do you have any family that can take you?"

I thought about it again but my head started to hurt.

"Ugh. My head."

"Don't push yourself."

He wrote something down on his clipboard and stood up.

"Try to remember anything that you can and I'll see if there's anyone who could take you."

He leaves and closes the door.

I thought about how I could have ended up in the river and then the door opened. I looked up and saw a man and woman, looking at me with shock.

"Oh my god, you're okay!"

"Do I know you guys?"

"Oh honey, we are your parents."

I looked at them with shock. I felt like these people aren't my parents.

"I don't believe you guys."

"Why honey?"

"I don't have any memory of you guys being my parents and I don't even know what happened to me." 

"The three of us were hiking and a mountain lion attacked us. We were split apart and the mountain lion went after you and we saw you fall into the river. We tried to find you for a few days and then found out that some people found you. We came as soon as we heard."

I thought about what she said.

"Okay, I believe you but, if you do something fishy."

"Why would we do that, we are your parents."

The doctor came in and mom and dad were able to discharge me. They drove to a lovely house and took me inside.

"Your room is upstairs, to the right."

"Do I have any other siblings?"

"No, you are an only child because I couldn't have any more children."

I nodded at her and I went up to my room and looked around. It had a lot of music and plants. The room had one colored wall that was sage green and the aesthetic of the room was pretty cute.

I went downstairs and saw that mom and dad weren't here. I looked around and saw a note on the table. 

"We left to go to the store. We'll be back in an hour or two - mom and dad".

I sighed and went to the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and played a cooking show. As episode 6 ends, mom and dad finally come back home. We all ate dinner and then they both went to bed. I stayed up a little bit in my room and then I went to take a shower and go to sleep.

I opened my eyes and saw a group of people watching the news on the TV. They didn't say anything and were looking at something. I looked at what they were watching and saw a girl fighting someone. She had wings and was able to dodge everything but she didn't dodge the last boulder. It hits her and she goes flying. I looked back at the TV and saw that the guy ripped her wings off and then threw her into the river. Wait, the river? Why does that sound familiar? All of the girls were crying. I don't know how to feel but everything was disappearing away and I woke up. I sat up and looked around. What? It was a dream? I got up and changed. I went downstairs and saw that mom and dad were making some breakfast.

"Hey honey"

He kissed the top of my forehead. I smiled and grabbed some cereal and the milk. I sat down and ate my breakfast.

"Umm mom, do I go to school?"

"Oh no honey, you are homeschooled but you finished everything before we went on that hike"

"Ohh, okay. Do you guys have jobs?"

"Yeah, I work for a company and your dad works at a construction site."

I nodded at her and continued to eat my breakfast. We all finished our breakfast and both dad and mom left to go to work.

"Make sure to not open any doors and have your phone on you all the time."

"Okay, bye mom, bye dad."

I closed the door and went to the TV and turned on something to watch. As I was watching a random cooking show, I thought about if everyone had a power in a different universe. My eyes started to feel heavy and I gave in and closed my eyes. 

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