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(No one's POV)

As the week went by, there were no other updates on Y/N's condition. Aizawa wants to see her but he still can't due to bed rest. Throughout the week, the students will periodically check on Y/N but nothing has changed. Mina and Kirishima came to visit by themselves.

"Hey Y/N."

They both sat down next to the bed.

"We brought you some flowers to put next to your bed."

"Bakugou doesn't want to admit it but he misses you, more than anyone."

Mina started to get emotional and Kirishima held her hand.

"Everyone misses you so much, it feels like the first time that we lost you. We hope that you wake up soon and can be heroes again."

They both leave and visiting hours ended. It was night time and Aizawa couldn't wait anymore. He got up and went to go find Y/N's room. He had the IV thing still on and strolled it with him. After searching for a little bit, he finally found her room and walked inside. He turned on the light and saw all of the flowers and the balloons that were in her room. He sits down in the chair and saw that she finally has her wings back. He grabs her hand and looks at her.

(Aizawa's POV)

"Hey, Y/N. It's been a while. I heard that you saved us which was good because we could have died."

God, I'm bad at this.

"I wish that I was strong enough so you wouldn't have to go through this. I should have told you everything. I should have told you about what happened that day. I... I should have told you that you died and came back two years later. I was too scared that you will leave and I will lose you again. I didn't want to lose you, ever again because... because I love you. I have loved you for so long that I will die for you. I know that you probably won't hear this but I just wanted to tell you."

I kissed her forehead and went back to my room.


As Mr. Aizawa leaves, I wait until the door fully closes. The door closed all the way and I opened my eyes. Holy shit, he's in love with me, all this time? I don't know how to feel because I have feelings for him but I'm still mad about him not telling me. I decided to go back to sleep and thought about what happened. It was morning and I was fully awake now. I sat up and heard people coming in. I saw everyone and they were all shocked.

"Hey, guys."

They all ran towards me and hugged me.

"Ow, not too tight, not too tight!"

They all got off me and were all crying. We all cried and did a gentle group hug. Afterward, they all caught me up with everything that happened. Then my parents and Present mic came to visit and were surprised that I was awake. They talked with me for a while and they all left but Present Mic stayed behind.

"So, what happened with Okimoto?"

"He was unconscious when the police found him and he's in custody now so he won't be out for a long time."

I nod.

"That's good."

There was a long silence and I needed to tell him something.

"Hey Mic, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah squirt, what's up?"

"You can't tell anyone okay?"

"I swear on my life that I won't."

I sighed.

"Is it weird to love someone that has kept something important from you for a long time?"

He looked at me confused.

"I don't think so, why?"

"Is it also weird to be in love with an older man, like at least 10 years older... at my age?"

I could tell that he knows where this is going.

"How old are you?"

"18, why?"

"Just a thought."

"You already know where I'm going with this huh?"

He smiles.

"Yeah, I do."

I felt my face getting hot.

"Then what should I do?"

"Well, in his defense, he was supposed to tell you a few days when you came back to "life" but he didn't."

I crossed my arms.

"Well, that's not a good reason so..."

He sighs.

"I know but you have to know, he didn't want to lose you again."

I sigh.

"I know but he could have told me."

"Yeah but that's how he is. He doesn't want the people that he loves to leave him because he lost the most important person in his life.

I was shocked when he said that.

"What do you mean?"

"He lost his best friend Shirakomu when we were high school students at UA."

"Oh, oh my god. That's terrible."

"Yeah, it did a number on him. That's why he's closed off to everyone, including me and Midnight sometimes. He rarely chooses people to love and he chose you. And when you died, he was depressed and was not his normal self for the longest time. He seems like he's normal but he's been suffering internally for the longest time. That's why he didn't want to tell you, so don't be mad at him anymore for that."

I didn't know what to say. He always seems calm and collected but I never thought that he was suffering.

"Thank you Present Mic, for telling me that."

He smiled and then smirked.

"So, when did you start to like him?"

My eyes widened and my face was hot again.

"Umm, for a while now? I think before I died."

"Oh damn, that's a long time."


He laughs while I was even more embarrassed.

"I'm just teasing you."

He stands up and stretches.

"I have to go kid, you should talk to him soon."

I nodded and say my goodbyes to him.


I looked at him.

"I won't tell a soul."

He winks and I rolled my eyes. He smiled and left. I sighed and thought about what he said. I do need to tell him but, I don't know how. 

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