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I opened my eyes and noticed that I wasn't in my room. I sat up and felt something on my back. I lifted up my shirt slightly and saw that the top half of my stomach was wrapped. I pulled down my shirt and looked around. It was dark outside which made me wonder, how long have I been here? Then there was the slight sound of a motor car that was coming to my right. 

I looked and saw the same man, the one that came to my room. He was asleep and had his hand on top of mine. I felt my face heat up and looked away. I quietly calmed myself down and turned back to look at him. I looked at him and saw that he was waking up. I didn't say anything and watched him stretch. His shirt rose up in the process and I saw his nicely toned abs. My eyes widened and turned my head. I turned back to him after a few seconds. He looked at me blankly.

"Umm, Hi..."

"You probably have a lot of questions."

"Yes... I do... Firstly..."

I partly lift up my shirt.

"Why am I wrapped with this?"

"Well... that wrap is to protect you from an infection that is growing on your back."

My eyes widened.

"An... infection... on my... back?"

"Yes, it's because... because..."

All of the sudden, the door opens and a short lady comes in.

"Oh good, you're awake."

She comes up to us and hands me a bottle of pills.

"Take two a day with food. It will help prevent the spread of the infection on your back for some time."

"Okay, thank you."

She gives me a nod and small smile and walks into a different door. I looked back at him and he seemed to be a little uneasy.

"Is something wrong?"

He turned to look at me.

"Nothing is wrong."

He still looked uneasy and I still didn't believe him.

"Then why do you look uneasy?"

"It's nothing."

He stands up.

"It's almost 10 so let's get you back to the dorms."

I nodded and got up from the bed. I felt unbalanced and lost my footing. I started to fall forward but he caught me just in time.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just lost my footing."

He pushed me up and I felt something on my boob. I looked down and saw that his hand was right on top of it.


I looked at him and he was confused.

"Your hand is... on my... chest... area..."

He looked down and saw what I was talking about. He quickly moved his hand.

"I-I Uh I'm sorry."

He looked away from me but I saw that his ears were very red. I started to feel my face getting red as well. I quickly cleared my throat.

"I-It's fine."

He cleared his throat as well.

"Let's... head back."


We left the room and walked down the halls. While passing, I saw different classrooms and got little snippets of girls laughing and students in a classroom. It fucking hurt like hell which makes me stop walking.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just got a headache all of the sudden."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, let's just head back."

I continued to walk and couldn't stop thinking about what happened. Was it a memory or am I imagining things? By the time we got to the dorm building, it was 11. I said goodbye and walked ahead.

"Actually, Y/N."

I turned around to him.

"There's... something I want to discuss about."

I fucking knew it. He walks past me and I follow him. He makes his way into the kitchen and gestures to me to sit down. I sit down and he walks away. Confused as always, I waited for him to come back. After a few minutes, he comes back with two coffee mugs and places one in front of me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I take a sip and burn the roof of my mouth.


He lightly chuckled and placed his cup down. I felt my cheeks heat up but brushed it off and placed my cup down as well.

"So, what did you want to tell me... sir?"

He looked at me confused.

"You didn't tell me your name."

His eyes slightly widened.

"Oh, my name is Mr.Aizawa."

Mr.Aizawa, huh, has a nice ring to it.

"Okay, Mr.Aizawa."

His eyes widened again which confused me.

"What did you want to tell me?"

He sighs.

"This will be hard to take in."

"Well, it seems important, so I'm ready."

He leaned forward and gave me a worried yet intense look. I felt worried about what he's gonna say but whatever it is, I'm ready. 

Come Back to Me (Aizawa x Student reader)Where stories live. Discover now