Chapter 19

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Bucky and I spent time together catching up for most of the night. After I shared my memories of the last two years, Bucky shared his memories with me. The first year Bucky was away, he was more so trying to keep a low profile. He was moving from place to place until he decided to settle down in Bucharest. He told me more memories of me resurfaced when he saw a white rose. He had dreams about me but still didn't know if he should go to me. It wasn't until he had a dream of himself in Branch Brooke Park that he decided to find out more about his life. We talked about my enhanced abilities and how I didn't need to have a close relationship with the individual anymore. I told him about how we didn't know exactly what else I could do with the power, but also I didn't want to explore what else I could do because I was scared of the unknown.

After we were caught up, Bucky had me lie my head on his lap so I could sleep for a little bit. Once in a while, I felt him run his fingers through my hair, caress my cheek, or lean down to kiss my forehead or cheek. There were times I woke up to make sure that he was still there, but he would tell me to go back to sleep. At some point, I sat up but he pulled me in his arms and let me rest against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat made me sleep for the rest of the time peacefully.

"Alright, let's head out," Steve announced as soon as it was morning.

Once I sat up, I looked at Bucky. "Did you sleep?"

"Better than I have in a while," he answered. "Even if it was in this place."

"Good," I smiled. Bucky placed his hand on the back of my neck and kissed my forehead. "You missed."

Bucky chuckled and kissed me on the lips. We got up and followed Steve to the front of the warehouse. Steve looked at Bucky, who was smiling at Steve. As Bucky and I made our way over, Steve patted Bucky on the shoulder while we walked to the getaway car. I followed Sam out of the warehouse. The getaway car was an old dark blue beat-up Volkswagen buggy.

"Um, seriously? Where am I supposed to sit? In the trunk or do I get to be strapped to the roof?" I asked Steve.

Steve shrugged, "It's low profile. No one will expect us to have this car."

"Because no one can fit in it."

"It'll be fine, Iliana. We got to meet with Sharon."

Sighing, I got into the backseat. This was probably the one time I was truly thankful to be small. When I watched Bucky climb into the backseat with me, I couldn't help but giggle. He basically took up the whole back seat. I leaned forward a bit to give Bucky some room, but he made me lean back. He placed his arm over the seat, draping it around my shoulders.

Steve got into the driver's seat. He glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "You have enough room back there? I can move it up."

"No, I'm fine."

While Steve drove to the destination to meet Sharon, I was fidgeting due to the quiet car ride. Sighing, I squeezed in between the seats to reach the radio. I felt Bucky hold onto my waist in case I were to lose balance. I turned the radio dial until I found a station that played decent music. Smirking, I decided to purposefully sit on Bucky's lap.

"Sorry," I muttered teasingly to Bucky as I slowly slid my butt off his lap. Bucky shot me a knowing smirk at my little action.

"I don't mind," he replied.

"Get a room you two," Sam scoffed.

"Don't worry, we will later," I replied to Sam. Sam huffed an annoyed breath as Steve shook his head with a smile on his face.

Sharon was already waiting for us under a bridge. Steve told us to stay in the car so that he could talk to her. I leaned my head back against the seat and looked out the window. Bucky adjusted himself, but his knees continued to touch Sam's seat.

The Soldier's Luna: Reclamation (Bucky Barnes x OC)Where stories live. Discover now