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E L E O N O R A ' S P O V :

I pull my hood deeper over my head, hoping to disappear. I'm tired and definitely not in the mood to start a new school today.

"Let's go, Eleonora. Eat your breakfast."

I look up to Miss Malcom but she's moved on to helping the other kids. She grabs the toddler and starts feeding her a smoothie.

My dreary eyes barely register the soggy cereal in my bowl. I know it's ungrateful if I don't eat it but, I really am just not in the mood. My stomach hurts too much.

I start fifth grade today.

I want to shiver at the thought. Just thinking about it makes my stomach swirl.

New school, a lot of the same kids and homework. Boring, so boring.

"Bus is here! Let's go!" Miss Malcom shouts and I toss my full bowl into the sink and run off outside, tugging on my back pack strings.

With my black leggings and black zip up jacket, my goal today is to disappear.

I watch the kids in my home pile onto the bus and I pause. I look back to find Miss Malcom not paying any attention. I look back to the bus that's getting ready to close the door and abruptly, I decide to run.

I hide behind a car and watch the bus leave down the street without me.

Feeling my nerves creep up on me, I start jogging down the street. I don't want anyone to catch me and ask why I'm not at school.

After turning eleven, I was moved to what they call a home for girls. I'm too old for most people to want to deal with now so this is where most girls my age end up. Living there is a total bust.

It's loud. I have way too many chores. I get no sleep and I smell baby vomit every morning.

I do though, find myself in the middle of a town. Its small, a few rusted buildings and even less people walking the streets.

I spot a public library not too far. Deciding to walk to it, I release a small breath of air.

It feels good to finally be alone.

Two cops are posted, talking to the front desk lady with a smile. In a pinch of worry that they might suspect something, I walk fast to the back of the building, weaving throughout the shelves.

The smell of old books run through my nose, the chilly air leaves slight goosebumps on my skin.

I relax once I've reached the back, slouching my posture.

"Who are you?" I jump.

My head snaps to the two kids sitting in the corner. They're on big circular cushions with books in their hands. The one who has the blue dress on raises a brow at me.

"Wha— oh. Um..," my lips pursue together. "I'm Ellie." The words rumble out of my mouth.

"Why are you interrupting our book club?" Her voice gets snappier.

"Stop it!" The boy says to the other. "You're being mean, Naomi." The boy turns to me. "Sorry about her, she doesn't like new people."

"Me either." I mumble.

"Sit." The boy pats the ground and at that, the girl gives him a sharp look. He ignores her though. "So, what's got you in a hurry?"

I refrain from sitting just because of the girl's sharp glare. I do step closer though.

"I just want to be alone." I tell him quietly. That's why I'm in a hurry, because I don't want to be caught. I want to be left alone in solitude.

"Running away?" The brown-haired boy remarks. I stand frozen for a moment. "Us too."

"Devin!" Naomi hisses. "You can't tell people our secret." She gives me a wary glance.

I wasn't initially running away. I assumed after awhile I'd find my way back to the group home but after hearing them suggest it. I can't help but want to do it. To never look back.

"It's okay.. I am too."

"Really?" Naomi asks with a shocked face. I nod quickly to follow through with my story. She shares a glance with Devin. He nods. "Fine." She states.

"Wanna come with us?" Devin says and I pause for a short moment.

Can I leave everything behind? I don't have much, it won't be hard. The only thing that'll be difficult to leave is Gills. I won't even be able to say goodbye.

But that doesn't matter because maybe while I'm on the run, I'll find papà. It's a small chance but maybe. He has to be looking for me too. Right?

"Where are you going?" I ask hesitantly, my heart begging my brain to say yes.

"Anywhere. Everywhere." He shrugs with a smile that shows a glimpse of the adventures we can have together. A life away from all the bad.

"So.. are you in? Better decide now or we're gonna leave." Naomi chirps in. Her arms cross as to prove her authority.

Leaving is scary but being alone is even scarier.

Maybe with Devin and Naomi, I won't feel so alone anymore. Maybe they can help me find papà.


The brilliant smile was sitting proudly on Devin's lips. Naomi nods.

"Alright then—"

I stop Naomi mid sentence. "But can I ask you guys something?" She raises a brow at me, deadpanning a confused look.

"What?" Devin asks.

"Can.. can you guys help me find my papà?"

They give each other a look.

"How'd you expect us to do that?" Naomi states plainly. I bite my lip in worry.

"I don't know but.. but I know he's looking for me. I don't care how long it takes. I just need help." My voice is a pitch below a whisper when I finish, my eyes reluctantly teary. "It's hard doing it alone."

"We'll help." Devin is confident to say.


"What? It's not like we have anything else to do!" He exclaims. I swallow my tears back.

"Fine." Naomi huffs.

"Thank you." I manage to break out a smile.

"You'll find your dad, Ellie. Don't worry."

And for the first time in years, I find it in me to believe. To believe that I will find papà and my life will be back to the way it was.

Maybe papà sent Devin and Naomi to me through wishes. I hope he's been getting mine. Every time I see the biggest star in the sky at night, I make a wish like papà taught me to.

I only hope he's making them too.

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